
REGISTER NOW: Don't Miss AOC Electronic Warfare Singapore, January 17-18
We live in a time of increasing uncertainty on many fronts. Threats, challenges and opportunities are rising. Technology is accelerating. The world is undoubtedly changing and in unforeseen ways. In terms of future warfare, national forces are being re-shaped and re-equipped to face an operational maneuver space that will be complex and connected, but constrained. It may well be chaotic unless the right, informed choices are made now. The Asia-Pacific region is one of the most vital areas in the world and the focus of much change, but also of uncertainty. In terms of EW and electromagnetic operations, how can we make sense of all of these things?
AOC EW Singapore will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider the possible responses, how thinking and attitudes must change, and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world. The Conference will consist of plenary sessions focusing on operations, defence capability development, and industry inventiveness. AOC EW Singapore 2017 will bring together the communities of EW, SIGINT, C4ISR, Cyber EM Activities (CEMA) and more. Speakers will include leaders and operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and international R&D communities and, crucially industry. This is an unclassified English language Asia-Pacific focused EW networking, exhibition, workshop and conference and is not to be missed.
Speakers include:
Professor David Stupples, Professor of Electronic & Radio Systems, Director EW Systems Research, City University London, UK
Daniela Pistoia, Corporate Chief Scientist, Elettronica SpA, Italy
Colonel Stephen Miller USAF (Ret.), Senior Research Engineer, Strategic Program Development Lead, GTRI, US
Rear Admiral Simon Williams, Chairman, Clarion Events, UK
Dr Sue Robertson, AOC International Region 1 Director, UK
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AOC AWARD WINNER: Remarks from 2016 Gold Medal Winner, U.S. Rep. Joseph R. Pitts
The Gold Medal Award is the AOC's highest and most prestigious honor. It is presented to a senior U.S. or International Government, Military or Industry Official in recognition of outstanding and dedicated service to promote and advance the discipline of Electronic Warfare.
This year's winner is Pennsylvania Congressman Joseph R. Pitts, who established the bipartisan Electronic Warfare Working Group as a member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee in 1999. Pitts, a former US Air Force B-52 EW Officer, has worked tirelessly through his career, both as an officer and in government, to advocate for EW and the EMS Domain.
Read the Remarks from Congressman Pitts on Acceptance of the AOC Gold Medal at the 53rd Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention last week in Washington, D.C.

CALL FOR PAPERS: 46th Annual Collaborative EW Symposium, April 25-27, Pt. Mugu, CA
"Collaborative Electronic Warfare: Enabling Collaborative EW Through Innovation and Invention"
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other Air, Ground, Surface Space and Cyberspace systems. The 46th Annual Point Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of Collaborative Electronic Warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the United States and Australian military, government, academia, and industry will come together to address current Electronic Warfare gaps and emerging technologies in Collaborative Electronic Warfare required to address these gaps.
This call for presentations or demonstrations challenges presenters to explore the way forward in enabling collaborative EW through innovation and invention. Presentations or demonstrations from all United States and Australian Services, DoD, Industry, and Academia are requested that identify technical paths, options, and potential opportunities for EW collaboration. Submitted abstracts are specifically requested to address one or more of the symposium sessions: threat trends, collaborative EW science and technology perspectives, cognitive and adaptive EW technologies, coordinated/distributed networked enabled systems, and warfighter perspectives. Amplifying information on these supporting topics and draft agenda are referenced below. Abstracts for presentations are required in unclassified textual format. Please forward abstracts to Ms. Shelley Frost at frost@crows.org. The deadline is January 12, 2017. We request that abstracts be limited to one page of text or 400 words. All sessions will be classified SECRET releasable Australia.
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Prior to adjourning, the House and Senate approved the Conference Report to S. 2943, the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The bill awaits the President’s signature in the coming days. Overall, Conference Report provides $619 in budget authority for national defense, including $5.8 billion in supplemental funding for operations and $3.2 billion for Readiness Stabilization Funding.
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SYMPOSIUM WRAP-UP: Detail from the 53rd Annual Symposium and Convention
Thank you to all the attendees, volunteers, speakers and others who made our annual event one of the best ever. Please take a few moments to fill out the post-event survey, which you should have received this week. Also if you missed any issue of the show daily or any of the great press coverage, visit the links below. And visit our Convention Page for event photos, including award winners and photos from the annual STEM event.
And mark your calendar for next year's event now: November 28-30, 2017 in Washington, D.C.
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Convention Page

JUST ANNOUNCED: International & Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Electronic Warfare Symposium, May 15-17, Atlanta. GA
This May AOC will hold an international and foreign military sales (FMS) EW symposium in Atlanta. Stay tuned for more details.
More information coming soon.

REGISTER NOW: AOC EW Europe - Advancing EW and Electromagnetic Operations Together, June 6-8
AOC EW Europe will be held in perhaps the world’s most iconic city – London. It will consider the future of EW and EM Operations in the changing light of current and emerging threats, including Hybrid Warfare and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) where potential opponents are out-performing the West. It will consider the possible responses and how thinking and attitudes must change and examine the new capabilities that will be required across all lines of development, by all services, in all countries in the free world.
The conference will include plenary sessions and twin-tracks focusing respectively on operations, capability and defence lines of development, and industry developments and inventiveness. AOC EW Europe 2017 will bring together the communities involved in EW, SIGINT, C4ISR, Cyber EM Activities (CEMA) and more. Speakers will include leaders and operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and R&D communities and, crucially industry. This is an unclassified truly-global EW networking, exhibition, workshop and conference and not to be missed.
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AOC COURSES: Get the Competitive Edge You Need, On Your Schedule
DIXIE CROW SYMPOSIUM 42: Join us in Warner Robins March 19-23
Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President, and Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events at the Dixie Crow 42nd EW/IO Technical Symposium, March 19-23 in Warner Robins, GA. The Dixie Crow EW/IO Technical Symposium is pending approval by SAF/AA. AFLCMC/WNY is co-hosting the Symposium’s AF Technical Program and Short Courses with the Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC.
Stay tuned for more information.
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2017 AOC Sponsorships
How do you reach more customers in the Electromagnetic Warfare community? The AOC! To maximize your impact in 2017, begin securing your sponsorship positions today. When you strategically plan out your year with the AOC, you can realize significant savings.
Check out our updated sponsorship catalog below.
Sponsorship Catalog
Employers can post on the Job Vacancies page for free. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping that members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: Compass Call Targets ISIL Through Electronic Attack
Military operations are complex. Attacking an adversary requires significant coordination and communication between a commander and their fighters. The fog and friction of war means that even the best laid plans are often adapted on the fly, and competent leaders need the ability to redirect their forces in real-time in order to react to enemy actions. If a commander can’t issue orders, his capabilities are severely degraded and his likelihood of success plummets. Attacking those lines of communication is an effective, innovative way to reduce an enemy’s capability. The U.S. Air Force knows this, and they use that knowledge every day in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant through employment of the EC-130H Compass Call. (Air Force Link)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Marine Corps Is Looking For A Few Good Nerds: Gen. Neller
No thank you, Donald Trump. While the President-Elect wants to boost Marine Corps combat units by 50 percent — with 12 new battalions of infantry and one of tanks — the Commandant of the Marine Corps respectfully suggested that there are other additions the Marines need more. Don’t think good old-fashioned grunts: think warrior nerds. So what’s on General Robert Neller‘s Christmas list? Cyber specialists, electronic warfare troops, intelligence analysts, targeteers, engineers, anti-aircraft troops and artillerymen with anti-ship missiles. The Marine Corps grew to 202,000 for Iraq and Afghanistan by adding combat troops, Neller told the US Naval Institute conference on Wednesday. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Pentagon to Unveil New Electronic Warfare Strategy
The Pentagon’s soon-to-be published Electronic Warfare strategy calls for increased investment in advanced electronic warfare technology designed to defend U.S. assets and proactively use the electromagnetic spectrum to attack enemies. A key part of the calculus for this strategy will be to integrate new EW technologies with existing Army, Navy and Air Force emerging EW weapons. This includes developing EW systems such as the Navy’s Next Generation Jammer, Army vehicle-mounted EW and Air Force integration of EW into its fleet of F-15s. (Defense Systems)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: F-35 Triggers Conceptual Overhaul in Israel Air Force
Nearly a decade of planning preceded Monday's scheduled delivery of the first F-35Is to the Israel Air Force (IAF), but once they touch down at the stealth fighter’s desert base at Nevatim, another process will just begin, with vast implications on how Israel wields airpower near and very far from home. From the single network that will support the IAF’s ability to use the fifth-generation Adir (Awesome/Magnificent) alongside fourth-generation fighters to hunt and fight in packs to the means by which it trains and maintains its combined force, the new F-35Is will be driving wholesale changes throughout the mightiest air force in the Middle East. (Defense News)
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 AOC CONVENTION NEWS: Army's RCO Eyes Rapid Prototyping in Electronic Wafare
The Army’s newly established Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO), which stood up at the end of August, is faring well and getting better, according to its director. The key to its continued success — and more important, its funding — will be baby steps in order to demonstrate continued successes. e’re going to start small over the next few years, mainly focused on [research, development, test and evaluation], then focus on procurement," Doug Wiltsie, the RCO director, told C4ISRNET in an interview. (C4ISRNet)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Defence R&D Wing Seeks Electronic Warfare Boss
The Defence department's research and development group is on the hunt for a new cyber security boss to head up its electronic warfare division from Adelaide. Defence Science and Technology (DST) is recruiting for a cyber warfare expert with a top secret security clearance that will ensure the agency’s 2300 scientists, engineers and technicians remain on the cutting edge of advances in offensive electronic attacks, so they can channel the latest tools back into the armed forces. (IT News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Navy Strengthens Ship-Based Electronic Warfare
The service is now in the process of upgrading its existing SLQ-32 Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program, or SEWIP — an electronic warfare sensor now on many guided missile cruisers and destroyers. SEWIP is designed to detect approaching threats, such as anti-ship cruise missiles, in time for ship commanders to take defensive or protective actions. It is configured to provide early detection, signal analysis and threat warnings against a range of threats. (Defense Systems)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Eyes Integrated Cyber & Electronic Warfare Career Field
The U.S. Army plans to integrate electronic warfare and cyber warfare into one career field as well as test new doctrine. The service branch said Friday Army officials aim to produce a cyber electromagnetic activities operational detachment that is ready to train for warfare within two years. "We’re going to look at an operational capability that we’re going to deploy to a theater to practice what we preach," said Brig. Gen. Patricia Frost, cyber director at the Army’s G-3/5/7. (Executive Gov)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: CMC Neller Wants More Cyber, Intel and Electronic Warfare Marines
If an additional 3,000 Marines Congress has authorized for the U.S. Marine Corps gets approved, that end-strength will be routed to emerging cyber, intelligence and electronic warfare missions, the service’s top officer said on Wednesday. "They’ll be performing tasks and providing capabilities that we don’t think are existing in the current force in sufficient quantity, or they don’t exist at all," Marine commandant Gen. Robert Neller said during the Defense Forum Washington conference hosted by the U.S. Naval Institute. "What capabilities? Information operations, intelligence analysis, targeting, electronic warfare [and] cyber." (USNI News)
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