eCrow Newsletter Newsletter RSS Feed. en-us Copyright 2025 2/14/2025 11:11:20 AM 20 Catch the Latest Podcast Episode!ecrow <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href="!ecrow"><strong>How to Foster Private Sector Innovation In EMSO</strong></a></div> <div>In this episode of From the Crows&rsquo; Nest, host Ken Miller sits down with Bryan Clark, senior fellow and director of the Center for Defense Concepts and Technology at the Hudson Institute. Bryan is the author of the newly released report, Winning the Fight for Sensing and Sensemaking: Fielding Cyber and Electronic Warfare Capabilities at Scale.</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM!ecrow FTCN Replay: Norway leading the way on Spectrum Policy <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div>In an exclusive From the Crow's Nest podcast interview, Erik Bamford, Branch Chief for Electromagnetic Warfare in the Norwegian Armed Forces and an AOC Board Member, shared groundbreaking developments in Norway's approach to electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO). These advancements set a precedent for NATO and allied nations, highlighting the importance of proactive policy changes in the rapidly evolving world of electronic warfare (EW).</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Final Call &mdash; Base Access Forms Due <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINE FOR BASE ACCESS: FEB. 17<br /></strong></font></div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Share Your Expertise and Contribute to Our Program <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#696e90"><strong>OPERATIONAL SYNERGY</strong></font></div> <div><font color="#333333">Original presentations are being solicited from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Expert include: National-Tactical Interoperability, IC Warfighter Support, Mission Data Integration, Software-Driven Capabilities, Platform One and CJADC2</font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong><font color="#333333">ABSTRACTS DUE: MARCH 7</font></strong></div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Don&rsquo;t Miss Out &ndash; Lock in Your CEMA 2025 Spot Now! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>CEMA 2025 advances last year&rsquo;s narrative of &ldquo;EW Overmatch&rdquo; to one of &ldquo;All Domain Operations&rdquo; where Division commanders have multiple capabilities at their disposal to achieve shaping or decisive effects in the deep fight. This conference will focus on the synchronization of manned and unmanned capabilities while utilizing intelligence sources and advanced sensors to help sense, identify, effect and facilitate better decision-making to produce the desired advantage.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Expand your experience and <a href="">register for a pre-con course!</a></strong></div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Lock in Exclusive Hotel Discounts &mdash; Book Your Room Now <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Get ready for&nbsp;AOC Europe 2025!&nbsp;With just a few months to go, it&rsquo;s the perfect time to plan your stay. As an event attendee, you have access to&nbsp;<strong>exclusive hotel discounts</strong>&nbsp;of up to 30% through our&nbsp;official <strong>Accommodation Partner</strong>, EventBeds&trade; by NuBreed Hotels. Demand is high so book now to get the best choice and avoid missing out!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Planning for a group?</strong>&nbsp;If you need six or more rooms you can&nbsp;<font color="#b0bc22"><strong><a href="">find tailored options</a></strong></font>&nbsp;that best fit your needs!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><em>Registration will be opening soon.</em></div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Matthew Morgan</strong></em></div> <div>March 6</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM [Webinar] Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Alan Salari</strong></em></div> <div>March 20</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM;index=23 [Webinar] HPM-Specific Antenna Issue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by&nbsp;Timothy Wolfe</strong></em></div> <div>April 3</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM [Webinar] The Art and Science of Navigation Warfare*18mxugu*_ga*MTcxNzI2NDAwLjE3MjEyNDI2MTQ.*_ga_W4S4TJD2C5*MTczOTM3MzMxNy4yNC4xLjE3MzkzNzQxMzcuMC4wLjA. <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Michael Jones</strong></em></div> <div>May 15</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM;_gl=1*18mxugu*_ga*MTcxNzI2NDAwLjE3MjEyNDI2MTQ.*_ga_W4S4TJD2C5*MTczOTM3MzMxNy4yNC4xLjE3MzkzNzQxMzcuMC4wLjA. Dixie Crow Chapter <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#FE0002"><strong><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">DIXIE CROW SYMPOSIUM 49 | MARCH 23-26</font></strong></font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process. <br /></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <div><font color="#FE0002"><strong>SPECIAL TOPIC MEETING</strong></font><br /><em><strong>"EW - A Cat and Mouse Game for Spectrum Superiority&rdquo;</strong></em><br />Feb. 25 | 12:30-5:30 PM</div> <div>For this year&rsquo;s training, Mr. Stilwell will draw from his knowledge of radar and Mr. Caruso will <br />draw from his knowledge of EW to present the history of the &ldquo;cat and mouse&rdquo; between the two.<br />They will brief the advancements in radar technologies over the years, including electronic <br />protection (EP) mechanisms and how EW counter measures advanced to combat these radar <br />improvements. <a href=";asn=1521&amp;pid=273&amp;page=nwl2&amp;schedDate=2/12/2025&amp;issueID=106475"><font color="#FE0002"><strong>Find out more.</strong></font></a></div> </div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM;issueID=106475 Peachtree Roost <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#E49B9C"><strong><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">SEEKING SUBMISSIONS FOR EVENT</font></strong></font></div> <div><strong><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) Research Conference (EMSO ReCon)</font></strong></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">We invite submissions of technical abstracts for presentations related to the theme "Speed of Need," highlighting innovative research, emerging technologies, and operational advancements in the EW and EMSO space. Selected authors will have the opportunity to present their work to an audience of peers, industry leaders, and government representatives.</font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><b><font color="#E49B9C" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: MARCH 15</font></b></div></p> 2/12/2025 9:59:23 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Senior Electrical Engineer - Hybrid</a></div> <div>BAE Systems Inc.</div> <div>Merrimack, NH</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Cyber Range Network Engineer</a></div> <div>Leidos</div> <div>Annapolis Junction, MD</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM Join Us Tomorrow &mdash; Live Webinar*gy6le3*_ga*MTcxNzI2NDAwLjE3MjEyNDI2MTQ.*_ga_W4S4TJD2C5*MTczOTM3MzMxNy4yNC4wLjE3MzkzNzMzMTcuMC4wLjA.&reload=timezone <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><a href=";index=22&amp;_gl=1*gy6le3*_ga*MTcxNzI2NDAwLjE3MjEyNDI2MTQ.*_ga_W4S4TJD2C5*MTczOTM3MzMxNy4yNC4wLjE3MzkzNzMzMTcuMC4wLjA.&amp;reload=timezone"><strong><em>[Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms</em></strong></a></div> <div><em><strong>Presented by Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz</strong></em><br />Feb. 20</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>This Webinar delves into the comprehensive usage of the SPJ for different air platforms, focusing on fighters, helicopters, and UAVs primarily for close engagement and penetrating the enemy&rsquo;s lethal border. The aim is to mention the potential radar-guided threats to airborne platforms, SPJ system structure, and reprogramming properties, underscoring the critical role of the SPJ systems in the operations.</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM;index=22&amp;_gl=1*gy6le3*_ga*MTcxNzI2NDAwLjE3MjEyNDI2MTQ.*_ga_W4S4TJD2C5*MTczOTM3MzMxNy4yNC4wLjE3MzkzNzMzMTcuMC4wLjA.&amp;reload=timezone Your Next Big Opportunity Awaits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 12, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div>The Association of Old Crows is proud to offer the AOC Career Center, your go-to platform for discovering top career opportunities in the electronic warfare and spectrum operations community. Whether you're seeking your next challenge or looking to hire exceptional talent, the AOC Career Center is here to connect professionals and employers in this critical field.</div></p> 2/12/2025 8:42:24 AM New Episode Released: Subscription Only <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong>Norway Leading the Way on Spectrum Policy</strong></a></div> <div>In this exclusive episode of "From the Crows' Nest," available only to AOC members and subscribers, host Ken Miller is joined by Erik Bamford to discuss International EW headlines. Erik is Branch Chief for Electromagnetic Warfare with the Norwegian Armed Forces and a member of the AOC Board of Directors. Ken and Erik discuss a new Spectrum law that took effect in Norway that is a beacon for improving coalition EW training. They also discuss the evolution of joint EW training and coordination in NATO and some leading discussion topics that will be covered during AOC Europe in Rome in May 2025.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Catch up With the FTCN CTO Series <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The FTCN CTO Series is your exclusive six-episode deep dive into key technology areas, designed to complement regular From the Crows&rsquo; Nest episodes while highlighting influential military and industry leaders.&nbsp;<em>Start listening to Season 1 The Emergence of Next-Generation EW Systems - powered by L3Harris.</em></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM FTCN Replay: Insights on the Incoming Trump Administration and the Outlook for the Ukraine-Russia War <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div>In the latest episode of&nbsp;From the Crows&rsquo; Nest, host Ken Miller sat down with retired US Air Force Colonel Jeffrey Fisher to discuss the evolving geopolitical and electromagnetic warfare landscape. With a virtual studio audience in attendance, the conversation ranged from NATO dynamics under President Trump&rsquo;s new administration to the intensifying electronic spectrum battle in Ukraine.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:42:49 AM Upcoming Deadline for Base Access <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINE FOR BASE ACCESS: FEB. 17<br /></strong></font></div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Share Your Insights &mdash; Submit Your Abstract <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#696e90"><strong>OPERATIONAL SYNERGY</strong></font></div> <div><font color="#333333">Original presentations are being solicited from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Expert include: National-Tactical Interoperability, IC Warfighter Support, Mission Data Integration, Software-Driven Capabilities, Platform One and CJADC2</font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong><font color="#333333">ABSTRACTS DUE MARCH 7</font></strong></div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Registration Now Open &mdash; Secure Your Spot Today <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>CEMA 2025 advances last year&rsquo;s narrative of &ldquo;EW Overmatch&rdquo; to one of &ldquo;All Domain Operations&rdquo; where Division commanders have multiple capabilities at their disposal to achieve shaping or decisive effects in the deep fight. This conference will focus on the synchronization of manned and unmanned capabilities while utilizing intelligence sources and advanced sensors to help sense, identify, effect and facilitate better decision-making to produce the desired advantage.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Dixie Crow Special Topic Meeting <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><em>"EW - A Cat and Mouse Game for Spectrum</em> Superiority&rdquo;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Feb. 25 | 12:30-5:30 PM</strong></div> <div><br />For this year&rsquo;s training, Mr. Stilwell will draw from his knowledge of radar and Mr. Caruso will <br />draw from his knowledge of EW to present the history of the &ldquo;cat and mouse&rdquo; between the two.<br />They will brief the advancements in radar technologies over the years, including electronic <br />protection (EP) mechanisms and how EW counter measures advanced to combat these radar <br />improvements</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Save On Housing &mdash; Book Your Room Today <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Get ready for&nbsp;AOC Europe 2025!&nbsp;With just a few months to go, it&rsquo;s the perfect time to plan your stay. As an event attendee, you have access to&nbsp;<strong>exclusive hotel discounts</strong>&nbsp;of up to 30% through our&nbsp;official <strong>Accommodation Partner</strong>, EventBeds&trade; by NuBreed Hotels. Demand is high so book now to get the best choice and avoid missing out!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Planning for a group?</strong>&nbsp;If you need six or more rooms you can&nbsp;<font color="#b0bc22"><strong><a href="">find tailored options</a></strong></font>&nbsp;that best fit your needs!</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM [Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Dr. Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz&nbsp;</strong></em></div> <div>Feb. 20</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM;index=22 [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Matthew Morgan</strong></em></div> <div>March 6</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM [Webinar] Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Alan Salari</strong></em></div> <div>March 20</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM;index=23 [Webinar] HPM-Specific Antenna Issue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by&nbsp;Timothy Wolfe</strong></em></div> <div>April 3</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Dixie Crow Symposium 49 | March 23-26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><table style="width: 663px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 226px; vertical-align: top;"><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></td> <td style="width: 421px; vertical-align: top;"> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President Ronald Brooks and the Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events we have planned for this year's symposium. Below you will find symposium details including our complete schedule of events and contact information.</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process.</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Senior Electrical Engineer - Hybrid</a></div> <div>BAE Systems Inc.</div> <div>Merrimack, NH</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Cyber Range Network Engineer</a></div> <div>Leidos</div> <div>Annapolis Junction, MD</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Join Us Tomorrow &mdash; Live Webinar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><a href=";index=21"><strong><em>[Webinar] EMSO Update</em></strong></a></div> <div><em><strong>Presented by Bryan Clark</strong></em><br />Feb. 6</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Today&rsquo;s wars in Ukraine and Israel highlight the criticality of sensing and understanding on the battlefield. Despite ubiquitous satellite, airborne and terrestrial surveillance, combatants on both sides of these conflicts have been surprised, with sometimes catastrophic results. The US military should embrace the resulting lessons as it considers how to counter Chinese forces in China&rsquo;s own back yard. Survival in this highly-contested environment will depend on mobility and distribution, carefully orchestrated with electromagnetic warfare, while massing effects will require sensing and communications the enemy cannot detect and counter-target. This webinar will highlight current trends in US military force design and operational concepts and how they will rely on new approaches to EMSO.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM;index=21 Your Next Big Opportunity Awaits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>February 5, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div>The Association of Old Crows is proud to offer the AOC Career Center, your go-to platform for discovering top career opportunities in the electronic warfare and spectrum operations community. Whether you're seeking your next challenge or looking to hire exceptional talent, the AOC Career Center is here to connect professionals and employers in this critical field.</div></p> 2/5/2025 9:21:37 AM Jumpstart Your Professional Growth With AOC in 2025! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div>Make 2025 the year you elevate your career! AOC offers a wealth of professional development opportunities, including cutting-edge training, certifications and resources tailored for the Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) community. Whether you're looking to sharpen your skills, expand your knowledge or connect with industry leaders, AOC is here to help you achieve your goals. Explore our programs and invest in your future today!</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Tune In and Listen: New Podcast Episode!ecrow <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href="!ecrow"><strong>An Honest Conversation About EMSO and the Great Power competition</strong></a></div> <div>In this episode of From the Crow's Nest, host Ken Miller is joined by a panel of special guests: Scott &ldquo;Sherm&rdquo; Oliver, former chief of staff of the EMSO cross-functional team; Paul Arcangeli, senior advisor at the public relations firm Invariant and a former professional staff and staff director of the House Armed Services Committee in the US Congress; and Jeffrey Fischer, author, journalist and new board member to the Association of Old Crows. The panel discussion was recorded in front of a live audience in December at AOC 2024.</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM!ecrow Catch up With the FTCN CTO Series <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The FTCN CTO Series is your exclusive six-episode deep dive into key technology areas, designed to complement regular From the Crows&rsquo; Nest episodes while highlighting influential military and industry leaders.&nbsp;<em>Start listening to Season 1 The Emergence of Next-Generation EW Systems - powered by L3Harris.</em></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Call For Papers Now Open <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#696e90"><strong>OPERATIONAL SYNERGY</strong></font></div> <div><font color="#333333">Original presentations are being solicited from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Expert include: National-Tactical Interoperability, IC Warfighter Support, Mission Data Integration, Software-Driven Capabilities, Platform One and CJADC2</font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong><font color="#333333">ABSTRACTS DUE MARCH 7</font></strong></div></p> 1/28/2025 2:40:39 PM Explore Current and Future EW Capabilities <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINE FOR BASE ACCESS: FEB. 17<br /></strong></font></div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Mark Your Calendars &mdash; Registration Opens in February <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>CEMA 2025 advances last year&rsquo;s narrative of &ldquo;EW Overmatch&rdquo; to one of &ldquo;All Domain Operations&rdquo; where Division commanders have multiple capabilities at their disposal to achieve shaping or decisive effects in the deep fight. This conference will focus on the synchronization of manned and unmanned capabilities while utilizing intelligence sources and advanced sensors to help sense, identify, effect and facilitate better decision-making to produce the desired advantage.</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Dixie Crow Special Topic Meeting <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><em>"EW - A Cat and Mouse Game for Spectrum</em> Superiority&rdquo;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Feb. 25 | 12:30-5:30 PM</strong></div> <div><br />For this year&rsquo;s training, Mr. Stilwell will draw from his knowledge of radar and Mr. Caruso will <br />draw from his knowledge of EW to present the history of the &ldquo;cat and mouse&rdquo; between the two.<br />They will brief the advancements in radar technologies over the years, including electronic <br />protection (EP) mechanisms, and how EW counter measures advanced to combat these radar <br />improvements</div></p> 1/29/2025 11:33:46 AM Housing Open &mdash; Registration Opening February <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Get ready for&nbsp;AOC Europe 2025!&nbsp;With just a few months to go, it&rsquo;s the perfect time to plan your stay. As an event attendee, you have access to&nbsp;<strong>exclusive hotel discounts</strong>&nbsp;of up to 30% through our&nbsp;official <strong>Accommodation Partner</strong>, EventBeds&trade; by NuBreed Hotels. Demand is high so book now to get the best choice and avoid missing out!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Planning for a group?</strong>&nbsp;If you need six or more rooms you can&nbsp;<font color="#b0bc22"><strong><a href="">find tailored options</a></strong></font>&nbsp;that best fit your needs!</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM [Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Dr. Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz&nbsp;</strong></em></div> <div>Feb. 20</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM;index=22 [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Matthew Morgan</strong></em></div> <div>March 6</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM [Webinar] Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Alan Salari</strong></em></div> <div>March 20</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM;index=23 [Webinar] HPM-Specific Antenna Issue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by&nbsp;Timothy Wolfe</strong></em></div> <div>April 3</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Dixie Crow Symposium 49 | March 23-26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><table style="width: 663px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 226px; vertical-align: top;"><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></td> <td style="width: 421px; vertical-align: top;"> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President Ronald Brooks and the Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events we have planned for this year's symposium. Below you will find symposium details including our complete schedule of events and contact information.</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process.</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Senior Product Marketing Engineer Radar</a><br />MathWorks<br />Natick, MA</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href="">Principal DevOps Engineer</a></div> <div>Leidos<br />Reston, VA</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Join Us For Next Week's Webinar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><a href=";index=21"><strong><em>[Webinar] EMSO Update</em></strong></a></div> <div><em><strong>Presented by Bryan Clark</strong></em><br />Feb. 6</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Today&rsquo;s wars in Ukraine and Israel highlight the criticality of sensing and understanding on the battlefield. Despite ubiquitous satellite, airborne, and terrestrial surveillance, combatants on both sides of these conflicts have been surprised, with sometimes catastrophic results. The US military should embrace the resulting lessons as it considers how to counter Chinese forces in China&rsquo;s own back yard. Survival in this highly-contested environment will depend on mobility and distribution, carefully orchestrated with electromagnetic warfare, while massing effects will require sensing and communications the enemy cannot detect and counter-target. This webinar will highlight current trends in US military force design and operational concepts and how they will rely on new approaches to EMSO.</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM;index=21 Your Next Big Opportunity Awaits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 29, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div>The Association of Old Crows is proud to offer the AOC Career Center, your go-to platform for discovering top career opportunities in the electronic warfare and spectrum operations community. Whether you're seeking your next challenge or looking to hire exceptional talent, the AOC Career Center is here to connect professionals and employers in this critical field.</div></p> 1/27/2025 1:59:53 PM Kickstart Your Professional Growth with AOC in the New Year! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div>Make 2025 the year you elevate your career! AOC offers a wealth of professional development opportunities, including cutting-edge training, certifications and resources tailored for the Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) community. Whether you're looking to sharpen your skills, expand your knowledge or connect with industry leaders, AOC is here to help you achieve your goals. Explore our programs and invest in your future today!</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:37 PM Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM New Episode Released: Subscription Only <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong>Insights on the incoming Trump Administration and the outlook for the Ukraine-Russia War</strong></a></div> <div>In this special member-exclusive episode, host Ken Miller is joined by friend and colleague Col. Jeffrey Fischer, USAF (Ret.) to discuss the inauguration of President Donald Trump, what to expect from his new Cabinet, especially as it pertains to the future of NATO and the outlook for the Ukraine-Russia War. They also discuss the worsening challenge of EMS battle management and the role of EW in counter-counter-drone capabilities.</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Catch up With the FTCN CTO Series <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The FTCN CTO Series is your exclusive six-episode deep dive into key technology areas, designed to complement regular From the Crows&rsquo; Nest episodes while highlighting influential military and industry leaders.&nbsp;<em>Start listening to Season 1 The Emergence of Next-Generation EW Systems - powered by L3Harris.</em></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Explore Current and Future EW Capabilities <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINES FOR BASE ACCESS FAST APPROACHING</strong></font></div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Mark Your Calendars &mdash; Registration Opens February <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>CEMA 2025 advances last year&rsquo;s narrative of &ldquo;EW Overmatch&rdquo; to one of &ldquo;All Domain Operations&rdquo; where Division commanders have multiple capabilities at their disposal to achieve shaping or decisive effects in the deep fight. This conference will focus on the synchronization of manned and unmanned capabilities while utilizing intelligence sources and advanced sensors to help sense, identify, effect and facilitate better decision-making to produce the desired advantage.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Housing Now Open &mdash; Secure Your Room Today <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Get ready for&nbsp;AOC Europe 2025!&nbsp;With just a few months to go, it&rsquo;s the perfect time to plan your stay. As an event attendee, you have access to&nbsp;<strong>exclusive hotel discounts</strong>&nbsp;of up to 30% through our&nbsp;official <strong>Accommodation Partner</strong>, EventBeds&trade; by NuBreed Hotels. Demand is high so book now to get the best choice and avoid missing out!</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Planning for a group?</strong>&nbsp;If you need six or more rooms you can&nbsp;<font color="#b0bc22"><strong><a href="">find tailored options</a></strong></font>&nbsp;that best fit your needs!</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM FTCN Replay: EMSO in 2025 &ndash; Answering Your Questions about Trump, Congress and the Future of EW <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>In the latest edition of From the Crow&rsquo;s Nest, Ken Miller, the Director of Advocacy and Outreach for the Association of Old Crows (AOC), kicked off 2025 with a reflective and forward-looking discussion. Joined by producer Laura Krebs and sound engineer Reese, the episode highlighted current events, the future of electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO), and the evolving role of AOC&rsquo;s podcast as a platform for engagement and education.</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM [Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Dr. Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz&nbsp;</strong></em></div> <div>Feb. 20</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM;index=22 [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Matthew Morgan</strong></em></div> <div>March 6</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM [Webinar] Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Alan Salari</strong></em></div> <div>March 20</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM;index=23 [Webinar] HPM-Specific Antenna Issue <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by&nbsp;Timothy Wolfe</strong></em></div> <div>April 3</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Dixie Crow Symposium 49 | March 23-26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><table style="width: 663px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 226px; vertical-align: top;"><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></td> <td style="width: 421px; vertical-align: top;"> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President Ronald Brooks and the Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events we have planned for this year's symposium. Below you will find symposium details including our complete schedule of events and contact information.</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process.</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><b>Principal Software Engineer</b></a><br />BAE Systems Inc.<br />Manchester, NH</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong>Senior Signals Analyst</strong></a><br />BAE Systems Inc.<br />Arlington, VA</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Join Us For Next Week's Webinar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><a href=";index=21"><strong><em>[Webinar] EMSO Update</em></strong></a></div> <div><em><strong>Presented by Bryan Clark</strong></em><br />Feb. 6</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Today&rsquo;s wars in Ukraine and Israel highlight the criticality of sensing and understanding on the battlefield. Despite ubiquitous satellite, airborne, and terrestrial surveillance, combatants on both sides of these conflicts have been surprised, with sometimes catastrophic results. The US military should embrace the resulting lessons as it considers how to counter Chinese forces in China&rsquo;s own back yard. Survival in this highly-contested environment will depend on mobility and distribution, carefully orchestrated with electromagnetic warfare, while massing effects will require sensing and communications the enemy cannot detect and counter-target. This webinar will highlight current trends in US military force design and operational concepts and how they will rely on new approaches to EMSO.</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM;index=21 Your Next Big Opportunity Awaits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 22, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div>The Association of Old Crows is proud to offer the AOC Career Center, your go-to platform for discovering top career opportunities in the electronic warfare and spectrum operations community. Whether you're seeking your next challenge or looking to hire exceptional talent, the AOC Career Center is here to connect professionals and employers in this critical field.</div></p> 1/20/2025 5:58:38 PM Unlock Your Future &ndash; Discover Endless Career Possibilities with the AOC Career Center;T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kv~amp;7= <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>Careers</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="" alt="" width="650" height="auto" /></font></div> <div> <div>The Association of Old Crows is pleased to provide its online Career Center &mdash; the premier resource to connect career opportunities with highly qualified EW, EMSO, CEMA, SIGINT, ELINT &amp; IO talent.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Featured Jobs</strong></div> <div>&bull;<a href=";T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kw~amp;7=">&nbsp;Senior FIPS 140 Security Engineer - VA</a></div> <div>&bull;&nbsp;<a href=";T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kx~amp;7=">Junior Project Coordinator - MD</a></div> </div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM;T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kv~amp;7= New Newsletter Alert! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div> <div><em><strong>Curated by the JED editorial team and tailored by AI</strong></em><br />We&rsquo;re excited to announce the launch of our newsletter, <strong>AOC Spectrum Watch</strong>! This publication will keep you informed on the latest developments, insights, and trends in electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) and electromagnetic warfare (EW). Check your inboxes every Friday for the newest installment.</div> </div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Keep Your Account Up to Date! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div>We want to ensure you continue receiving the content and updates that matter most to you. Please take a moment to update your account information so we can tailor your experience. <strong>AOC MEMBERS: Update your JED preferences to receive your magazine at home, at the office or on the go with our digital edition.</strong></div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM New Episode Released: Subscription Only <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong>EMSO in 2025 - Answering Your Questions About Trump, Congress and the Future of EW</strong></a></div> <div>In this exclusive episode of "From the Crows' Nest," available only to AOC members and subscribers, host Ken Miller answers audience questions and listener mail. Ken discusses everything from President-elect Donald Trump&rsquo;s inauguration on Jan. 20, to the legislative uncertainty of the new Congress, the need for greater awareness of Space EW and what lessons should we be learning from the War in Ukraine to the Indo-Pacific region.</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Catch up With the FTCN CTO Series <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The FTCN CTO Series is your exclusive six-episode deep dive into key technology areas, designed to complement regular From the Crows&rsquo; Nest episodes while highlighting influential military and industry leaders.&nbsp;<em>Start listening to Season 1 The Emergence of Next-Generation EW Systems - powered by L3Harris.</em></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Final Call For Papers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Original papers are being solicited from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Experts. </font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Topics included: Science &amp; Technology, Acquisition Programs, Exercises &amp; Experimentation, DOTMLPF-P or From the Field. Special emphasis topics will also be accepted.</font>&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>ABSTRACTS DUE THIS FRIDAY, JAN. 17!</strong></font></div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Explore Current and Future EW Capabilities <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINES FOR BASE ACCESS FAST APPROACHING</strong></font></div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Discover, Learn and Lead: Pre-Register Today <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><font color="#474C21"><strong>EW REENERGIZED &ndash; THE ARMY PHOENIX TAKING ITS PLACE IN THE JOINT/COALITION FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>Unlock the future of multidomain operations at the inaugural Warfighter Information Advantage Symposium! Explore the synergies of Signal, Cyber and EW in gaining and maintaining information dominance. With a focus on combat development, new requirements, training and game-changing capabilities, this event is a unique opportunity for government, military, industry and academia to collaborate. <a href="">View the agenda</a><br /><strong>Don&rsquo;t miss out on this inaugural event!</strong></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <div><strong><font color="#FF0000">PLEASE NOTE, YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. THERE WILL BE NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION AT THE EVENT.</font></strong></div> </div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Secure Your Booth at AOC Europe 2025! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Don&rsquo;t miss the chance to showcase your products at Europe&rsquo;s premier event for the EW and EMO community. Booth spaces are filling fast for AOC Europe, May 6-8 in Rome, Italy. Reserve yours today and connect with global leaders in the field.</div></p> 1/14/2025 6:25:41 PM FTCN Replay: Rolling Out Advanced EW Systems for the Navy <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div>Host Ken Miller recently sat down with Captain David Rueter, call sign Roto, to discuss the current state and future trajectory of PMA234, Navy Airborne Electronic Attack. With decades of history and a forward-looking mission, PMA234 balances legacy systems and cutting-edge technologies to maintain readiness and effectiveness in an evolving threat landscape.</div></p> 1/14/2025 1:07:16 PM [Webinar] EMSO Update <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Bryan Clark</strong></em></div> <div>Feb. 6</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM;index=21 [Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Dr. Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz&nbsp;</strong></em></div> <div>Feb. 20</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM;index=22 [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Matthew Morgan</strong></em></div> <div>March 6</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM [Webinar] Microwave Techniques in Superconducting Quantum Computers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><em><strong>Presented by Alan Salari</strong></em></div> <div>March 20</div></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM;index=23 Dixie Crow Symposium 49 | March 23-26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><table style="width: 663px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 226px; vertical-align: top;"><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></td> <td style="width: 421px; vertical-align: top;"> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President Ronald Brooks and the Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events we have planned for this year's symposium. Below you will find symposium details including our complete schedule of events and contact information.</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process.</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> 1/13/2025 11:21:33 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><b>Principal Software Engineer</b></a><br />BAE Systems Inc.<br />Manchester, NH</div></p> 1/15/2025 10:44:34 AM Featured Job <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong>Senior Signals Analyst</strong></a><br />BAE Systems Inc.<br />Arlington, VA</div></p> 1/15/2025 10:46:40 AM Still Time to Register for Next Week's Webinar <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><a href=""><strong><em>[Webinar] Fast Switching Low Noise Synthesizers</em></strong></a></div> <div><em><strong>Presented by Paul Jackson</strong></em><br />Jan. 23</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div>Fast tuning and low phase noise are typically opposing specifications for synthesizers. In this talk we will discuss modern synthesizers and how the tuning speed and phase noise coupling has been broken enabling both low phase noise and fast switching as attributes of the same synthesizer. We will discuss construction of small form factor, fast switching, low phase noise synthesizers.</div></p> 1/14/2025 1:46:17 PM Your Next Big Opportunity Awaits <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 16, 2025</a> -- <em>CAREERS</em></strong><br /><div>The Association of Old Crows is proud to offer the AOC Career Center, your go-to platform for discovering top career opportunities in the electronic warfare and spectrum operations community. Whether you're seeking your next challenge or looking to hire exceptional talent, the AOC Career Center is here to connect professionals and employers in this critical field.</div></p> 1/14/2025 3:05:54 PM Unlock Your Future &ndash; Discover Endless Career Possibilities with the AOC Career Center;T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kv~amp;7= <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>Careers</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="" alt="" width="650" height="auto" /></font></div> <div> <div>The Association of Old Crows is pleased to provide its online Career Center &mdash; the premier resource to connect career opportunities with highly qualified EW, EMSO, CEMA, SIGINT, ELINT &amp; IO talent.</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><strong>Featured Jobs</strong></div> <div>&bull;<a href=";T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kw~amp;7=">&nbsp;Senior FIPS 140 Security Engineer - VA</a></div> <div>&bull;&nbsp;<a href=";T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kx~amp;7=">Junior Project Coordinator - MD</a></div> </div></p> 1/8/2025 11:55:17 AM;T=te2UzXsdo.Ykfkb4SmY~25EqqckYv.Syc~amp;v=2Kv~amp;7= Keep Your Account Up to Date! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div>We want to ensure you continue receiving the content and updates that matter most to you. Please take a moment to update your account information so we can tailor your experience. <strong>AOC MEMBERS: Update your JED preferences to receive your magazine at home, at the office or on the go with our digital edition.</strong></div></p> 1/8/2025 11:18:13 AM New Newsletter Alert! <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div> <div><em><strong>Curated by the JED editorial team and tailored by AI</strong></em><br />We&rsquo;re excited to announce the launch of our newsletter, <strong>AOC Spectrum Watch</strong>! This publication will keep you informed on the latest developments, insights, and trends in electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO) and electromagnetic warfare (EW). Check your inboxes every Friday for the newest installment.</div> </div></p> 1/8/2025 11:47:23 AM;issueID=98227 Plan Your 2025 AOC Partnership <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>ASSOCIATION NEWS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#14627F"><em><strong>Partner with AOC to increase your reach across the global electromagnetic warfare (EW) and spectrum operations community!</strong></em></font></div> <div>As an AOC sponsor, you have year-round opportunities to connect with members, stay relevant to your customers, engage in high-level discussions and nurture relationships with key contacts. <a href="">Check out the 2025 sponsorship catalog</a> and align with AOC to increase your reach.</div></p> 1/8/2025 11:50:40 AM New Episode Released!ecrow <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><a href="!ecrow"><strong>Rolling Out Advanced EW Systems for the Navy</strong></a></div> <div>In this episode of From the Crow&rsquo;s Nest, host Ken Miller dives into the world of cutting-edge electronic warfare (EW) with Captain David Rueter, Program Manager for Airborne Electronic Attack Systems at the US Navy&rsquo;s PMA-234. From game-changing advancements to the challenges that keep him awake at night, Capt. Rueter offers an insider&rsquo;s look into the Navy&rsquo;s most critical EW initiatives.</div></p> 1/8/2025 2:49:52 PM!ecrow Catch up With the FTCN CTO Series <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PODCAST</em></strong><br /><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">The FTCN CTO Series is your exclusive six-episode deep dive into key technology areas, designed to complement regular From the Crows&rsquo; Nest episodes while highlighting influential military and industry leaders.&nbsp;<em>Start listening to Season 1 The Emergence of Next-Generation EW Systems - powered by L3Harris.</em></font></div> <div>&nbsp;</div></p> 1/7/2025 1:58:07 PM Contribute to the Program <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#c4d144"><strong>ALL DOMAIN OPERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE DEEP FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Original papers are being solicited from the United States Government, Academia, Industry, Operational Units and Subject Matter Experts. </font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Topics included: Science &amp; Technology, Acquisition Programs, Exercises &amp; Experimentation, DOTMLPF-P or From the Field. Special emphasis topics will also be accepted.</font>&nbsp;</div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>ABSTRACTS DUE BY JANUARY 17, 2025</strong></font></div></p> 1/7/2025 12:58:04 PM Explore Current and Future EW Capabilities <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>EVENTS</em></strong><br /><div><font color="#673490"><strong>COALITION EW IN NEAR-PEER CONFLICT</strong></font></div> <div>Key leaders and experts from the AUKUS partners &ndash; Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States &ndash; will come together from government, academia and industry to tackle EW challenges and opportunities in coalition warfighting. <br /><br /></div> <div><font color="#FF0000"><strong>DEADLINES FOR BASE ACCESS FAST APPROACHING</strong></font></div></p> 1/7/2025 12:57:12 PM Discover the Power of Information Advantage <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em></em></strong><br /><div><font color="#474C21"><strong>EW REENERGIZED &ndash; THE ARMY PHOENIX TAKING ITS PLACE IN THE JOINT/COALITION FIGHT</strong></font></div> <div>Unlock the future of multidomain operations at the inaugural Warfighter Information Advantage Symposium! Explore the synergies of Signal, Cyber and EW in gaining and maintaining information dominance. With a focus on combat development, new requirements, training and game-changing capabilities, this event is a unique opportunity for government, military, industry and academia to collaborate. <a href="">View the agenda</a>.<br /><strong>Don&rsquo;t miss out on this transformative event!</strong></div> <div>&nbsp;</div> <div> <div><strong><font color="#FF0000">PLEASE NOTE, YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. THERE WILL BE NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION AT THE EVENT.</font></strong></div> </div></p> 1/7/2025 12:53:01 PM [Webinar] Fast Switching Low Noise Synthesizers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><i><b>Presented by Paul Jackson</b></i></div> <div>January 23, 2025</div></p> 1/10/2025 11:11:14 AM;reload=timezone [Webinar] EMSO Update <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><i><b>Presented by Bryan Clark</b></i></div> <div>February 6, 2025</div></p> 1/10/2025 11:14:32 AM;index=21 [Webinar] Self-Protection Jammer Systems in Airborne Platforms <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><i><b>Presented by Dr. Ahmet G&uuml;ng&ouml;r Pakfiliz&nbsp;</b></i></div> <div>February 20, 2025</div></p> 1/10/2025 11:16:47 AM;index=22 [Webinar] Relativistic Field Theory for Microwave Engineers <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT</em></strong><br /><div><i><b>Presented by Matthew Morgan</b></i></div> <div>March 6, 2025</div></p> 1/10/2025 11:18:11 AM Dixie Crow Symposium 49 | March 23-26 <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>January 9, 2025</a> -- <em>CHAPTER NEWS</em></strong><br /><table style="width: 663px;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 226px; vertical-align: top;"><img src="" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></td> <td style="width: 421px; vertical-align: top;"> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Our Symposium Committee, Dixie Crow Chapter President Ronald Brooks and the Chapter Directors cordially invite you to join us for all the exciting events we have planned for this year's symposium. Below you will find symposium details including our complete schedule of events and contact information.</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">&nbsp;</font></div> <div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="">Download a complete schedule of events</a>&nbsp;or <a href="">register for the symposium</a>.&nbsp;We highly recommend that you first read our brief list of<a href="">&nbsp;Frequently Asked Questions</a>&nbsp;to learn more about the registration process.</font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></p> 1/7/2025 4:08:19 PM Saab Introduces Sirius Compact L20C <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 18, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>Saab unveiled the latest member in its family of Sirius Compact tactical electronic warfare solutions at an event in Nuremberg, Germany in October. <em>(JED)</em></p></p> 12/18/2024 11:06:21 AM Gaza Ceasefire Talks in Final Stage <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 18, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>After months of deadlock, there are new signs that Israel and Hamas could be moving closer to a Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal. A senior Palestinian official involved in the indirect negotiations told the BBC that talks were in a "decisive and final phase." <em>(BBC)</em></p></p> 12/18/2024 11:19:20 AM Ukraine Says it Killed General Who Led Russia&rsquo;s Nuclear Defense Force <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 18, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>A general in charge of the Russian military&rsquo;s nuclear and chemical weapons protection forces was killed by a bomb on a Moscow street on Tuesday, in one of the most brazen assassinations since Russia&rsquo;s full-scale invasion of Ukraine nearly three years ago. <em>(NYT)</em></p></p> 12/18/2024 11:20:14 AM Leonardo Develops BriteStorm Payload for Attritable UAVs <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 11, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>Leonardo has revealed details of a new, platform-agnostic stand-in jammer payload designed for integration into attritable uncrewed air vehicles and other launched effects. <em>(JED)</em></p></p> 12/11/2024 11:26:34 AM US Warns Russia May Be Ready to Use New Lethal Missile Against Ukraine Again in &lsquo;Coming Days&rsquo; <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 11, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>A US intelligence assessment has concluded that Russia may use its&nbsp;lethal new intermediate-range ballistic missile&nbsp;against Ukraine again soon, two US officials said Wednesday. The Oreshnik missile, which was used for the first time last month, is seen more as an attempt at intimidation than as a game-changer on the battlefield in Ukraine, according to one of the officials. <em>(AP)</em></p></p> 12/11/2024 11:28:19 AM Israel Strikes Military Assets Across Syria to Keep Them From Rebels <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 11, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>As soon as it became clear on Sunday that there would be regime change in neighboring Syria, Israel began a sweeping aerial campaign. By Tuesday, at least 350 airstrikes had leveled military assets across Syria, taking out the Navy, fighter jets, drones, tanks, air-defense systems, weapons plants and a wide array of missiles and rockets, according to the Israeli military. <em>(NYT)</em></p></p> 12/11/2024 11:29:31 AM EW Upgrade for German F 124 Frigates <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 4, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>The German Navy&rsquo;s three F 124 Sachsen-class air defense frigates are to receive a new electronic warfare suite from Rohde &amp; Schwarz. <em>(JED)</em></p></p> 12/2/2024 12:26:20 PM Trump's Plan for Ukraine Comes into Focus <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 4, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>Advisers to Donald Trump publicly and privately are floating proposals to end the Ukraine war that would cede large parts of the country to Russia for the foreseeable future, according to a Reuters analysis of their statements and interviews with several people close to the US president-elect. <em>(Reuters)</em></p></p> 12/4/2024 12:15:55 PM South Korea's President Says he Will Lift His Martial Law Declaration <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>December 4, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>After South Korean lawmakers voted to reverse President Yoon Suk Yeol's surprise declaration of "emergency martial law," Yoon announced that he would lift the order through a Cabinet meeting. <br /><em>(NPR)</em></p></p> 12/4/2024 12:18:06 PM Epirus Secures IFPC-HPM Upgrade Contract from US Army <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 27, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>Epirus has received a contract modification valued at almost $17 million from the US Army&rsquo;s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office for the development and integration of an upgraded sensor suite in support of the Integrated Fires Protection Capability High Power Microwave program. <em>(JED)</em></p></p> 11/25/2024 1:20:45 PM British Man Captured While Fighting with Ukraine <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 27, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>A British man has been captured by Russian forces while fighting for Ukraine, according to reports. In a video circulating online, a man dressed in military clothing identifies himself as James Scott Rhys Anderson, 22, and says he formerly served in the British Army. <em>(BBC)</em></p></p> 11/25/2024 1:22:46 PM Israeli Strike Kills Lebanese Soldier as Hezbollah Fires Rockets at Israel <p><strong style="font-size:10px;"><a href=>November 27, 2024</a> -- <em>Industry News</em></strong><br /><p>An Israeli strike on a Lebanese army center on Sunday killed one soldier and wounded 18 others, the Lebanese military said. <em>(NPR)</em></p></p> 11/25/2024 1:28:04 PM