NEXT LIVE ONLINE WEB COURSE BEGINS AUGUST 1: Get the Competitive Insights You Need – Without the Typical Travel Costs, With Both Live and On-Demand Courses
August 1-24
Introduction to RF and Microwave Front Ends - Live WebCourse
Instructor: Warren du Plessis
Classification: Unclassified
Twice Weekly | 1300-1600 EDT (17:00-20:00 UTC)
The Association of Old Crows is excited to increase the convenience of your learning opportunities through our brand new on-demand professional development library! The AOC is making some of our most popular courses available anytime and anywhere you're connected to the internet! On-demand course offerings currently include Dave Adamy's Fundamentals and Advanced Principles of EW and Kyle Davidson's ELINT - Principles and Practice.

Thursday, July 28 | 14:00-15:00 EDT
A new world of materials is emerging called "metamaterials" where physical properties are altered to achieve results that don't naturally occur in nature. Metamaterials are materials that use resonance properties to "cheat" nature and cause effects to occur that may benefit antenna radiation and possibly support "cloaking" devices. "Metamaterials" simply means materials that are beyond normal material properties. Their unique properties are created when resonance conditions are created. Often this is accomplished by creating cavities along the material surface that resonate at the design frequency. Switchable metamaterials can be used to dramatically reduce radar cross section or to modulate beam patterns for surface mounted antennas.
This lecture on metamaterials will cover the basic physics of these materials and will demonstrate several practical applications.
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CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS ENDS JULY 21: Deadline Tomorrow for Submissions for the AOC 53rd International Symposium and Convention, November 29-December 1 in Washington, D.C.
The AOC Annual Symposium Committee is soliciting original unclassified English language technical papers for the 53rd International Symposium and Convention from U.S. and International leaders, operators, subject matter experts and thinkers from the military, academia and industry. Technical briefings will be organized into three lanes of operations: electronic support, electronic attack and electronic protection. You are invited to submit an abstract of presentation in one of these sessions. Examples of some of the areas of interest are listed below.
Electronic Support
Electronic Attack
Electronic Protection
• ES multi-country data fusion
• Directed Energy
• Cyber Threat
• Artificial Intelligence
• System Hardening
• Receivers
• Reactive/Adaptive Loadsets
• Battlefield SA
• Geolocation
• UAS concepts
• Laser
• Signal Identification
• System of System concepts
• Data Flow Architectures |
• Waveforms |
• Interference Mitigation |
• Transmitters |
• Passive Detect
• Cognitive Radios |
• Amplifiers |
• Multispectral Detect
• Addressing future waveforms |
• EA and Cyber Multifunction capabilities |
• Cyber
• ES in support of Cyber |
Submission Deadline is extended to Thursday, JULY 21!
Submission Information: e-mail the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at frost@crows.org.
Full Details
Full symposium registration plan provides access to all functions at the Annual Symposium including all symposium sessions, Welcome Reception and Exhibit Hall. Does not include professional development courses or the AOC Annual Banquet which is an additional $25 fee for all symposium attendee.
Register Now!
Convention Page

REGISTER NOW: Electronic Warfare Asia, September 20-21 in Kuala Lumpur
EW Asia returns to Kuala Lumpur to debate the ever-evolving challenges of this complex subject. Bringing together senior delegations from regional and international militaries, defence intelligence communities and scientific and research agencies EW Asia will showcase focused discussions and ‘thought leader’ presentations.
Southeast Asian countries need to be alert to the challenges involved in maintaining surveillance and intelligence superiority across the information domain space, thus ensuring the national security of their borders. Recent experiences of electronic warfare (EW) actions applied by Russia in Ukraine and Syria have demonstrated how crucial this domain is, particularly as such up-to-date and effective EW operations have not been experienced internationally for many years.
China’s investment and gathering momentum in the expansion of its own military cyber and electronic warfare technologies presents serious challenges for Asian security services who believed that, until recently, they retained EM spectrum superiority.
An improved understanding of the complexity of these challenges being faced needs to be followed by the development of skill sets for defensive and, if necessary, offensive countermeasures.
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AOC 2016 ELECTIONS TAKE PLACE THIS SEPTEMBER: Learn About the Candidates Now in This Year's Election Guide
The 2016 AOC International Elections will run September 1-30 this year, but the election guide is available now for you to begin learning about the candidates for whom you will cast your vote. This year members will elect two At Large board members, and one board member each from International Region I and International Region II. Online voting will be available September 1, or look for your paper ballot in the June edition of JED.
Read the Election Guide (PDF)

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) Systems Engineering and Acquisition Conference, September 20-22
Our adversaries are using ubiquitous and cheap technology to further develop cyber warfare as well as advance and proliferate electromagnetic spectrum capabilities. EMW is an operational approach to seizing the initiative across the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). The goal is to combine EMW capabilities in the sea, air and land domains to generate enhanced combat effects. EMW, in essence, means leveraging the cyberspace domain and the full electromagnetic spectrum for both offensive and defensive effects.
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The Honorable Rob Wittman
US House of Representatives (VA-1)
Mr. Bryan Clark
Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA)
Dr. John D Burrow
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, Test and Evaluation
RDML Lorin Selby, USN
Commander, USN Naval Surface Warfare Center
Register Now

REGISTER NOW! CEMA 2016 - Achieving Overmatch through the Convergence of Cyber, Signal, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, and Space Capabilities, October 18-20
This upcoming October will mark 15 years of persistent conflict where the Army has enjoyed a distinct technological advantage in its fight against terrorism and in the conduct of counter-insurgency operations. Today we are on the brink of a new era of great power competition conflict. With a resurgent Russia and an escalating China, a civil war in Syria with international implications and Iran and North Korea steadily flexing their military presence, there are forces to be reckoned with. All are employing advanced electronic warfare and cyber capabilities at a rapid rate. Given these recent developments from prospective near-peer adversaries, the Army cannot afford to "wait until the wolf is at the door" and must prioritize maintaining overmatch; easier said than done. Limited resources dictate an innovative approach to the problem. The answer lies in the effective enterprise capability convergence of cyber, signal, electronic warfare, intelligence, information operations and space capabilities to ensure cyberspace dominance while simultaneously denying the same advantage to adversaries. The idea of capability convergence as a combat multiplier is the basis for this year’s conference theme.
MG Bruce Crawford, USA
Commanding General CECOM & APG
MG Kirk F. Vollmecke
Program Executive Officer, PEO IEW&S
Mr. Kevin M. Coggins, SES
Direct Reporting Program Manager,
Positioning, Navigation & Timing
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CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: 5th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, November 8-9, Honolulu
Challenges and Opportunities for IO/EW/Cyber in A2/AD Environments
The purpose of the symposium is to bring together government, military, industry, academia, small business and other stakeholders for discussions on the operational challenges facing the practitioners of these IRCs, and to explore possible technological and tactics/procedural solutions. To stimulate wider interest and inquiry into these issues, the symposium and related activities and events will be open to registration by government, industry and academia representatives without regard to their AOC membership status (both AOC members and non-members may register) except that access of foreign and any other persons may be restricted as necessary in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
AOC is soliciting original unclassified English language papers for the 5th Pacific conference from international leaders, military personnel, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the government, military, academia and industry. Potential Speakers are invited to note the conference sessions topics and specific areas of interest:
- National perspectives on the IO, EMS and cyber aspects of overcoming A2/AD or countering Hybrid Warfare.
- Historical perspectives of the application of IO to overcome anti-access strategies and to reach target audiences in denied environments
- Analysis of current and potential threats to the U.S. and her Pacific Allies employing the integrated application of IRCs (IO) as a component of peacetime Hybrid Warfare
- Analysis of adversary and potential adversary offensive cyber strategies for peacetime, crisis, and conflict
- Technological and engineering developments for enhanced Command and Control of the Information Environment
- Technology solutions for monitoring the Information Environment for operations and assessment
Please contact the Symposium Chair, Arthur Tulak, COL USA, Ret, at arthur.n.tulak.ctr@pacom.mil if you are interested in speaking or want more information and provide the title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. The deadline for submitting is close of business Wednesday, 31 August 2016, but earlier is better.

BG Richard K. Sele
Deputy Commanding General, U.S.
Army Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations Command (invited)
Call for Presentations and Conference Details

REGISTER NOW FOR AUGUST'S AOC WEBINAR: Introduction to Anechoic Chambers, August 11
Thursday, August 11 | 14:00-15:00 EDT (18:00-19:00 UTC)
This presentation provides an overview of the RF/microwave absorbers and their use in the optimized designs of anechoic chambers. A brief theoretical background and measurement methods are introduced on the absorbers and chamber designs. Measurement techniques on the absorbers and chambers are discussed, including the free-space VSWR method. The free-space VSWR is the most widely-used method for measuring the performance of an anechoic chamber. Its test procedure and theory are introduced. Further discussions are provided on various chamber design considerations and the use of absorbers to enhance the performances of an anechoic chamber.
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SEPTEMBER AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Sampling Theory & its Effects on System Performance, September 15
Thursday, September 15, 2016 18:00 until 19:00 UTC
The universe is fundamentally analogue, but almost all modern technologies are based on digital systems on some level. In fact, many aspects of why digital systems work the way they do can be traced back to the conversion between analogue and digital signals – a process known as sampling. An understanding of sampling theory is thus crucial to understanding how modern systems work.
However, sampling is traditionally explained by resorting to complex mathematics, which tends to obscure the relatively simple underlying concepts. This presentation will draw back the mathematical veil obscuring these fundamental concepts by using simple arguments and graphics to explain how and why sampling works the way it does. As part of this process, issues such as aliasing, the Shannon-Nyquist criterion, bandpass sampling, I-Q sampling, interleaved samplers and others will be explored. It is thus hoped that attendees will gain greater insight into many aspects of sampling and how these issues affect the operation of modern systems.
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 AOC PATRIOTS ROOST: Workshop – Accelerating the On-ramps for the Cyber Workforce, August 17
AOC Patriot Roost, AFCEA Lexington-Concord chapter, MITRE and Elevate Technology will facilitate the Workshop on August 17, 2016 at Waxy O’Connors. We have an acute shortage of skilled personnel in government and defense-related industry for current and future cyber challenges. Current on-ramps fail to educate, recruit and prepare the future workforce of cyber tech savvy professionals. The Workshop is an unparalleled opportunity to hear innovators radically address new integrated processes to motivate and prepare our non-uniformed workforce through three separate lenses: government, industry and academia.
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SAVE THE DATE: Maple Leaf Chapter First Annual Gala, September 28
We are pleased to invite you to attend the Association of Old Crows, Maple Leaf Chapter, First Annual Gala. This event will be a rare opportunity to meet Mr. John Knowles, Chief Editor of the Journal of Electronic Defense (JED) and keynote speaker. This gala sponsored by D-TA Systems Inc. will be held at the prestigious Royal Ottawa Golf Club. Please register quickly as spaces are limited!
Register Now

CELEBRATING EXEMPLARY SERVICE: Congratulations to the AOC 2016 Award Winners
The AOC will recognize the premier leaders in EW, IO and EMS Operations fields throughout our 53rd Annual Symposium and Convention. Please join us in celebrating these award winners for their exemplary service to our community. The Gold Medal Award is the highest award given by the AOC for outstanding advances and contributions in all fields of EW and IO. The Gold Medal Award will be presented during the Opening Session on Tuesday, November 29th. The Hal Gershanoff Silver Medal Award is presented to an AOC member to recognize outstanding service in furthering the goals of the Association or its Chapter Organization(s). It is the highest award given to a member for service to the AOC. The Hal Gershanoff Silver Medal, the Colonel Anton D. Brees Lifetime Service Awards and the Joseph W. Kearney Award will be presented at the Annual Banquet on Wednesday, November 30th. All other Individual awards will be presented at separate venues.
Full List of Award Winners
HAVE YOU VISITED THE AOC JOB VACANCIES PAGE: Positions Posted Now, Employers Can Post Positions for Free
The AOC has launched a new webpage where members and sponsors can post job vacancies. Follow the guide located HERE to provide information on posting a job listing. Submitted listings will remain live for 30 days. The AOC will not format or edit submitted postings, and will not respond to any questions from candidates concerning postings. We are hoping that members and sponsors will take advantage of this free AOC service. Complete the guide linked above and submit to Tim Hutchison at hutchison@crows.org.
Job Vacancies Page
 INDUSTRY NEWS: US Army Moves To Improve Electronic-Warfare Tactics
The US Army doesn’t need the Russians to jam its electronic equipment when it can do so itself, according to the Army's Electronic Warfare Division chief. The service is working to refine its electronic warfare (EW) tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) so there are no surprises on the battlefield when it comes to malfunctioning equipment, Col. Jeffrey Church told Defense News in a recent interview at the Pentagon. (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army’s New Rapid Capabilities Office Studies Electronic Warfare Boost
The brand new Army Rapid Capabilities Office is studying proposals to spend between $50 and $100 million on urgently needed electronic warfare gear, Breaking Defense has learned. The options include sensors to detect radar and radio signals, and jammers to block them, mounted on ground vehicles, soldiers’ backpacks, and drones. Where will the money come from? It will probably have to be stripped from other Army budget lines, Col. Jeffrey Church, the senior officer in the Army’s small EW corps. cautioned yesterday during an interview in his Pentagon office. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Russia's PAK FA Stealth Fighter: The US Air Force's Worst Nightmare?
The PAK FA has played the bugbear for Western air forces for nearly a decade, the terrifying Russian jet that will eat F-35s for breakfast. American aviation analysts in search of something, anything that might threaten U.S. air dominance settled on the PAK FA, a frankly evil looking jet that bore a very mild resemblance to the MiG-31 "Firefox" that Clint Eastwood made famous. Say what you will about the F-35, but Lockheed Martin has actually built and delivered one hundred and seventy one aircraft thus far. The Russian Air Force, meanwhile, has yet to receive its first PAK FA. In lieu of the PAK FA, Russia has continued to acquire generation 4.5 fighters (mostly of the Flanker family) as well as upgrading generation 4 fighters (including various Flankers, the MiG-29 Fulcrum, and the MiG-31 Foxhound). (The National Interest)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Merging Electronic Warfare into New Cyber Directorate
The Army has disbanded its electronic warfare division, though this is not the end for its staff or electromagnetic spectrum capabilities. Instead, the Army will incorporate the EW division into a newly established cyber directorate at the Pentagon within the Army G-3/5/7, according to officials at Army headquarters. The new directorate is moving quickly, reaching initial operating capability in June, and sources say they expect full operational capability in August. Headed by Brig. Gen. Patricia Frost, who's up for promotion to major general, the new directorate will encompass cyber, electronic warfare and information operations. (C4ISRNet)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Future of Boeing Defense, According to Its New CEO
Leanne Caret, the new chief executive of Boeing’s $30 billion defense unit, wants people to quit agonizing over contracts the firm has lost, stop calling current competitions "must-wins," and start focusing on growing business. "There are clearly priorities for me that we want to win," said Caret, who took over Boeing Defense, Space & Security in February after the abrupt departure of Chris Chadwick. "But I try to stay away from the words [must win] because it sends part of that message where we create this vision that this company can only do certain things." (Defense One)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Electronic Warfare: The EA-18G Growler
The 28th Bomber Wing at Ellsworth Air Force Base is hosting around 150 U.S. Navy officers this week for training with the Navy's EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft. This partnership between the U.S. Air Force and Navy hinges on preparation. So why come to South Dakota to practice electronic warfare? Electronic warfare dates back to World War II. "Commanders realized that if we could take advantage of the electromagnetic spectrum, we could protect our friendly forces," said U.S. Navy Lieutenant, call sign "Fancy." (News Center 1)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: DARPA and Air Force Research Making Progress to Mind Controlled and Autonomous Drone swarms
A researcher at Arizona State University has discovered how to control multiple robotic drones using the human brain. A controller wears a skull cap outfitted with 128 electrodes wired to a computer. The device records electrical brain activity. If the controller moves a hand or thinks of something, certain areas light up. "I can see that activity from outside," said Panagiotis Artemiadis (pictured above), director of the Human-Oriented Robotics and Control Lab and an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. "Our goal is to decode that activity to control variables for the robots." (Next Big Future)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: BAE Systems Inches Out In Public On Electronic Warfare
For much of the last few years when one thought of electronic warfare, one tended to think of Raytheon. After all, they’re building the Next Generation Jammer, right? BAE Systems would like to change that and is beginning to take a guarded but more public stance. For years, Air Force officials have declined to discuss the electronic warfare and cyber capabilities of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter for example, which BAE Systems builds. (Breaking Defense)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: UK Eurofighters Test Multi-Role Armaments
As it seeks to turn the Eurofighter into a truly multi-role aircraft, BAE Systems is in the middle of testing a host of new armaments for the aircraft and plans to adopt the new MBDA Spear standoff weapon, officials said at the Farnborough International Airshow on Wednesday. Following integration of the Paveway IV, the first powered release of a Storm Shadow missile has now taken place, while six releases of the Meteor air-to-air missile have occurred, with air forces due to start using it early next year, said Paul Smith, an air crew adviser at BAE Systems. (Defense News)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Army Kicks off Cyber and EW Prototyping Experiment
WHAT: A call from the Army for white papers to demonstrate capabilities in cyber defense and electronic warfare, among other fields. WHY: The Army has put a premium on using training scenarios to simulate complex cyber and electronic warfare scenarios, as evidenced by a recent pilot program. (FCW)
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INDUSTRY NEWS: BAE Begins E-Scan Radar Test Flights
BAE Systems has begun flight tests of a Eurofighter Typhoon fitted with the Captor-E active electronically-scanned array (AESA), or so-called "e-scan" radar. The flight trials, the first of which took place July 8, come almost two years after Instrumented Production Aircraft 5 (IPA5) debuted with the prototype Euroradar Captor-E at the 2014 Farnborough International Airshow. However, the company did not receive clearance to turn the radar on, so flight testing has not been able to proceed until now. (Aviation Week)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: Airspace Attracts Unique Jets to Ellsworth
Lt. Col. Allen Geist’s words would have been music to the ears of everyone who worked to create Ellsworth Air Force Base’s expanded training airspace. That is, if they could have heard Geist over the roar of the Navy EA-18G Growler jets on the tarmac. Geist, who grew up in Tolstoy, S.D., is the commander of the 390th Electronic Combat Squadron based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. (Rapid City Journal)
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 INDUSTRY NEWS: The Waiting Game
The only thing worse than getting attacked is getting attacked and knowing in the back of your mind it will happen again. The million-dollar question is when the next one will come. The four men inside a foxhole had been asking themselves this question all day. When I last visited them they were in t-shirts digging holes with an entrenching tool. Now they had a respectable fighting position. (DVIDs)
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