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Association News

Introduction to Satellite Communications (SATCOM)
Thursday, July 15, 2021 | 2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT

Presented by Dr. Pat Ford

Whether at home making an overseas call, receiving the latest digital weather report on your personal boat or aircraft, tracking a FedEx package delivery time, watching a live sports broadcast from across the globe or in enemy territory receiving tactical EW data in support of a mission, Satcom plays a critical role in the daily events of our lives. This webinar will provide a short intro to Satcom, including launch vehicles, types of satellites, their orbits and the core elements of a Satcom system.

Register now.

Be sure to check out the full 2021 schedule to sign up for more webinars.


Direct Energy Weapons
August 9-25, 2021 | Mondays & Wednesdays | 1:00 - 4:00 PM EDT

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of direct energy weapons (DEW) across the electromagnetic spectrum. The goal is to provide an understanding of the operation of laser and high-power microwave DEWs in military applications, including their design trade-offs, and target effects.

The course starts with an introduction to DEWs and the physics they are based upon in operation, atmospheric propagation and target effects. It then moves into several sessions on specific forms of DEW, including: lasers, high-power microwaves and particle beams. These concepts are then tied together with target tracking in DEWs to explore DEW design at the system level. The course concludes with a session on how DEWs affect their targets and how these effects can be modelled.

The discussion of various DEWs will be reinforced with modelling demonstrations in MATLAB to illustrate how DEWs operate. For more ambitious students, optional labs will be provided to explore these concepts in a modelling environment, with a focus on understanding the design trade-offs and target effects. Register now.

The Optimal Coaxial Feeder Cable-Connector Combination
The Times family of TCOM® cables are the most versatile line of low loss coaxial cables on the market. They exhibit all of the qualities of our popular LMR® cable family such as low loss, flexibility and ease of termination and then take it up a couple of notches. TCOM® is extremely rugged and is often the first choice for field deployable applications in both the military and commercial markets.
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The AOC International Symposium & Convention, the industry’s leading, three-day event, brings together nearly 2000 professionals from 30+ countries spanning industry, military and government sectors.

Reserve your booth today!
Learn more about exhibitor benefits, rates and how to reserve your booth at You can also contact Sean Fitzgerald at or (703) 549-1600 x222 for more information.

Elma Electronic Inc.
Mercury Systems
MIL & SWaP-C ATR & SFF Platforms
Choose cooling by conduction, convection, or liquid flow-through, Elma Electronic builds thousands of highly rugged ATR and SFF enclosures for use in all kinds of harsh environmental conditions. Our in-house testing ensures the best quality, we test our products in-house for thermal, shock and vibration. Available for OpenVPX, SOSA, VME, CPCI & COMe, and custom form factors.
Find out more
IAI ELTA Systems Ltd
Navy League of the United States
Meggitt Baltimore, Inc

A Perspective on JADC2 from The Joint Staff, J6
In this episode, we’re exploring the complex implementation of the Pentagon’s Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) vision and its impact on electromagnetic spectrum operations (EMSO). We’re joined by Brigadier General Charles R. “Rob” Parker, Deputy Director J6 of The Joint Staff. Together, host Ken Miller and BG Parker discuss the five key lines of effort and how they will transform the way we fight and win in future combat; the roles of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the evolution of decision-making across dimensions of C2; and how important JADC2 initiatives are addressed in the defense budget in FY 2022 and beyond. BG Parker helps us understand the challenges and opportunities the Pentagon faces as it advances the JADC2 mission.

To learn more about today’s topics or to stay updated on EMSO and EW developments, visit our website.

Start listening now!

Thank you to our episode sponsor.

Young Crow Spotlight

Congratulations to Nathan Stofik, one of our 2021 Scholarship Awardees. On June 25, Myles Murphy, AOC northeast regional director and AOC scholarship chairman, joined the AOC Garden State Chapter (pictured above) at the Navesink Country Club in Red Bank, NJ, to present his award. Watch the video of the presentation.

About Nathan
Nathan is studying electrical engineering and expects to graduate in May of 2022. He is an amazing young man with a 4.0 GPA who is the current president of the University of South Carolina’s IEEE Eta Kappa Nu honor society chapter for electrical and computer engineers. He is an undergraduate research assistant in the University of South Carolina’s Wireless Science and Engineering Lab. Nathan is also an intern at Sierra Nevada Corp. working on projects involving RF technology and defense applications. He is a member of AOC and a student member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

Interested in highlighting a young crow you know? Contact Glorianne O'Neilin at to submit your nomination.



The Association of Old Crows is pleased to provide its online Career Center — the premier resource to connect career opportunities with highly qualified EW, EMSO, CEMA, SIGINT, ELINT & IO talent. You can access the AOC Career Center at

Featured Jobs:

- Senior Engineer - Platform Architect – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. –  San Diego, CA, United States
- Senior EW/SIGINT Systems Engineer – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. –  San Diego, CA, United States
- Senior Project Engineer, RF Sensors – General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. –  San Diego, CA, United States

Acromag, Inc.
Industry News

As part of its network modernisation initiative, the Integrated Tactical Network (ITN), in 2023, the US Army is delaying plans to roll out a Common Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS) and will wait to field the capability two years later. (Janes)


As the Air Force continues to move forward with its wide-ranging initiative to “digitize” its acquisition processes, using computerized models known as digital twins to speed up testing remains a challenge, according to Darlene Costello, the service’s acting acquisition head. (Breaking Defense)


The Army will pilot a new idea to place coders and software developers at the tactical edge to reprogram electronic warfare and radio frequency systems. Known as Starblazor, the pilot will try to identify gaps in Army capabilities and provide information for its doctrine and policies. (Army Times)


The Navy announced recently that the service has “decided to pause” research and development of the much-hyped electromagnetic railgun (or EMRG) at the end of 2021 in light of “fiscal constraints, combat system integration challenges and the prospective technology maturation of other weapon concepts,” according to a statement provided to (Task & Purpose)


A team at Raytheon Intelligence & Space, a Raytheon Technologies business, is pioneering an approach that can place the power of 5G in the hands of servicemen and women around the world. (Breaking Defense)