
'Tis the time of year to think really hard about finding the perfect, thoughtful gift for everyone on your list.
The AOC Store can help you with that!
The gift that keeps on giving ... an AOC membership!
Share with someone the great benefits you receive as a Crow for just $25!
Fill out this application and either fax or call the number at the bottom of the form.
 The perfect addition to any library ...
AOC Legacy: The First 50 Years
This full-color, hardbound commemorative publication provides a compelling history of the organization and the vital role the EW/IO industry has played in the defense of the nations and the world. With stunning photography, first-person narratives and profiles of key participants, this handsome coffee-table book weaves the story of the AOC and the industry into a seamless narrative.
These are just a few gift ideas for those on your list. Check out all the merchandise at the AOC Store.
You can order a online using your AOC member login and password. Or, you can call the membership department at (703) 549-1600 to place your order over the phone.

HELP DETERMINE THE FUTURE OF THE AOC: Nominate Someone for the Board of Directors in the 2014 Annual Election
Nominations for the 2014 AOC Annual Election are currently being accepted. Help determine the future of the AOC by nominating yourself or your colleagues to serve on the board.
The 2014 election slate will include the position of President-Elect, who will serve as Vice President in 2015 and as President in 2016. The AOC President appoints the association’s Secretary and Treasurer, presides over the Board of Directors and Executive Committee and appoints committee chairs. The President is also the AOC’s primary spokesperson, visiting AOC chapters across the world and meeting with leaders in the Electronic Warfare community.
The 2014 election slate will also include three At Large Director positions. At Large Directors serve a three-year term. In addition, three Regional Directors will be elected for three-year terms from the Southern, Mountain-West and North-Eastern regions.
Nomination packets must be received at AOC headquarters by close-of-business on March 1, 2014. If you wish to nominate more than one person, please duplicate the form. Nomination Forms are available on the AOC website at www.crows.org or by contacting Glorianne O’Neilin at oneilin@crows.org.
For any questions or assistance, please contact:
Glorianne O’Neilin, AOC Election Coordinator
Office: (703) 549-1600
Fax: (703) 549-2589
Email: oneilin@crows.org
SUPPORT THE AOC, BUILD YOUR BUSINESS: Secure Your 2014 Sponsorship Today
There are many exciting business development opportunities that exist within the AOC Calendar for 2014. The sponsorship catalog presents opportunities for you to gain maximum exposure within the Electromagnetic Warfare community. Sponsorship at AOC webinars, conferences and the Annual Symposium allows your company to be seen as a support for the warfighter and increases your visibility in this highly targeted marketplace. Sponsorship of the AOC also helps bring valuable advocacy messages to the U.S. Capitol Hill, and it supports delivering those same efforts through the local chapters to EW centers of gravity around the world.
Please take a moment to look through the updated AOC sponsorship catalog, and let us know which opportunities you would like to take advantage of for 2014. If you have any questions, or need a sponsorship package customized for you, please don’t hesitate to contact the AOC staff at www.crows.org.
Thank you in advance for your critical support of the AOC Community!
AOC EW ASIA 2014: Evolving Electronic Warfare in the ASEAN and Pacific Regions, March 10-11 in Kuala Lumpur
Senior leaders, military operators and decision-makers from the ASEAN and Pacific regions responsible for Electronic Warfare operations, specification and procurement are set to come together in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the latest developments in EW and related electromagnetic capabilities.
As growth in these capabilities continues to accelerate across the region, leading nations acknowledge that EW remains critical to operational effectiveness. This focused event helps to meet the market need to learn about developments in EW and related EM capabilities, such as ISTAR, communications and SIGINT, from international specialists.
The AOC's EW Asia 2014 is set to build on the strong foundations laid at 2012's successful EW event, also held in Malaysia, which was attended by representatives from 19 nations and which included leading military, government, academic and industrial leaders and thinkers.
The highly tailored EW Asia 2014 event will again provide the opportunity for international industry to explore business and related opportunities in the still expanding markets of the region. This market growth is being accompanied by a corresponding growth in requirements for EW capabilities and programs as the leading regional nations recognize and understand the importance of EW and the critical role it plays in operational effectiveness and survivability in times of conflict.
Conference Themes
- Air EW Capabilities
- Asian EW Procurement Plans
- Future Electronic Threats
- Naval EW Capabilities: Above and Below Water
- Land Force EW
- International EW Operators
- Future Technologies
Potential speakers are invited to submit a short abstract or set of key points/bullets of no more than one page that describes the presentation thesis as soon as possible. We are particularly interested in military and government speakers. Speakers from industry who are supporting the conference are also most welcome, but company briefs will not be accepted. Please send abstracts to the conference Director, AOC Director Global Operations, John Clifford, OBE, clifford@crows.org, who can also be contacted with any Inquiries about the conference program.
Conference Details

NEW DATES: 43rd Annual Collaborative EW Conference, now April 1-3 at Pt. Mugu
The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare (EW). Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps. The symposium will be a three-day Classified SECRET event held at Naval Base Ventura County Pt. Mugu Station Theater, April 1-3, 2014.

RADM Mark W. Darrah, USN
Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD); Assistant Commander for Research and Engineering, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
RADM John R. Haley, USN
J3 Director, Global Operations, U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM)
RADM Donald Gaddis, USN
Program Executive Officer, Tactical Aircraft Programs [PEO(T)], Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
As EW warfighting requirements continue to evolve in their complexity and interdependency, it is clear that future EW systems must work collaboratively with other air, ground, surface and space systems, such as cyber, intel, kinetic and spectrum management. The 43rd Annual Pt. Mugu Electronic Warfare Symposium will facilitate the exchange of enabling concepts and provide a venue to disseminate current research in the fields of collaborative electronic warfare. Prominent leaders, contributors and representatives from the military, government, academia and industry will come together to address current electronic warfare gaps and emerging technologies in collaborative electronic warfare required to address these gaps.
Papers are due February 11, 2014.
Learn More
PLEASE NOTE: This conference is tentatively planned and subject to approval. Confirmation will be announced by the AOC sometime in the future.

MAKE PLANS NOW FOR 2014 COURSES: Maintain and Advance Your Knowledge Next Year With Convenient AOC Education
January 23-24
Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
February 11-14
Introduction to Radar and Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Richard G. Wiley
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
March 11-14
Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
April 8-11
Fundamental Principles of EW
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
May 6-7
Survey of Electromagnetic Battle Control Applications
Instructor: Lynn Berg
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA
June 10-13
Advanced EW
Instructor: Dave Adamy
AOC Headquarters, Alexandria, VA

CALL FOR PAPERS: Electronic Warfare Europe 2014 – Evolution of EW and Electromagnetic Operations, This May in Edinburgh
Electronic Warfare Europe is a renowned and unrivaled conference and exhibition discussing the latest in EW across land, maritime and aerospace. With the largest attendance of any EW gathering in Europe and an exhibition showcasing the latest technology, tools and equipment all under one roof, this is a symposium room opportunity not to be missed. Come and meet the leaders and operators across government, defense and industry that are shaping the future of EW.
Electronic Warfare Europe provides you with unparalleled opportunities to learn from operational feedback, network with key decision-makers and understand the shape of future requirements in the EW arena.
With a full conference program alongside the bustling exhibition floor EW Europe provides the perfect platform to interact with industry and military peers and operators on the show floor while attending the industry-leading conference.
Like other nations, the UK MOD has recently concluded a classified Electromagnetic Environment (EME) review and is already implementing far-reaching changes following on from NATO’s EW transformation concept of 2007. Both recognize the EME as a vital physical war fighting maneuver space. AOC EW Edinburgh will discuss the future of electromagnetic operations and capabilities such as EW, C4ISR and SIGINT. The armed forces of many countries are changing in response to the move from decade-long counter-insurgency to more demanding and less certain contingency operations played out in the light of resources constraints, complexity and none more so than those engaged in EW and related electromagnetic operations (EMO).
EW Conference Session Topics and Call for Papers
The conference will include presentations covering the following areas:
• Keynote addresses
• Operational focus
• National perspectives
• Defensive and offensive capabilities
• Technological advances
• Future warfare – capability, integration and interoperability
• Critical EM lines of development such as training, test and evaluation, concepts, etc.
• EW and EM operations, information operations, cyber warfare and network enabled capability
• Briefs on programs and capability in the maritime, air/space, land and information/cyber domains
This gives you a great opportunity to:
• Raise your profile onsite
• Be a thought leader in front of international decision-makers
• Maximize your visibility at EW Europe by presenting to your target audience
• Benefit from pre-show exposure, including EW Europe's website, preview, email announcements and show guide
The AOC is soliciting original unclassified English language papers for the Edinburgh conference from international leaders, military personnel, subject matter experts and leading thinkers from the military, S&T community, academia and industry. Please contact the conference director, John Clifford, at clifford@crows.org if you are interested in speaking and provide the title of the proposed paper, a brief synopsis and information on the speaker. Company or product briefs will not be accepted. The deadline for submitting is Friday, February 14, 2014, but the earlier the better.
Conference Details
View the Exhibitor Brochure

ACCESS RECORDINGS from the AOC 50th Annual International Symposium
The content from the 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention is now available. Catch up on sessions you missed and review captivating presentations from leading industry experts. Enrich your professional development from the comfort of your own home and share important information with colleagues who couldn't attend. Only $99 for non-symposium attendees – http://aoc.sclivelearningcenter.com. Full symposium attendees, please email frost@crows.org for your complimentary access.
The AOC India Chapter has announced EWCI 2014, the Third Annual International EW Conference in Bangalore, India. This conference, now scheduled for February 17-20, 2014, follows the other two successful events and is supported by the Defence Research and Development Establishment (DRDO), Government of India and Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Bangalore. The conference will address the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems. The theme for this year is "EW: Share to Succeed."
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DIXIE CROW SYMPOSIUM 39: '21st Century Mission Success Through ISR & Legacy EW Integration'
 The Dixie Crow Chapter of the AOC will host its 39th annual Regional Technical Symposium March 23-27, 2014. This year’s theme, shown above, illustrates collaboration within the Information Operations (IO) environment and integration within the operations environment for both new and legacy systems.
Papers to support this theme should include issues relating to Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) and collaboration within the existing and future IO environment. Efficient utilization and control of the Electromagnetic Spectrum is necessary for defense of our forces and our homeland. Collaborative improvement is necessary to assure our tactics and products are affordable and successfully protect the warfighters. Integration with legacy systems requires some "out of the box" thinking.
Call for Papers Details
Papers to support this theme should include issues relating to
Electronic Warfare (EW), Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance
(ISR) and collaboration within the existing and future IO environment.
Efficient utilization and control of the Electromagnetic Spectrum is
necessary for defense of our forces and our homeland. Collaborative
improvement is necessary to assure our tactics and products are
affordable and successfully protect the warfighters. Integration with
legacy systems requires some "out of the box" thinking.
Exhibit Application
Sponsorship Details
Learn More About the Dixie Crow Symposum
Technology company Exelis is to spin off its military and government services business into an independent public company by next summer, it said. The unanimous decision by Exelis' board of directors on Exelis Mission Systems, currently part of the company's Information and Technical Services segment, will create a military and government services supplier with about $1.5 billion in revenue. (UPI)
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Defense giant Exelis Inc. announced plans Wednesday to spin off Colorado Springs-based Exelis Mission Systems into a separate public company by next summer so it can focus on higher-growth markets. The new company would employ 300 locally and about 7,000 in more than 18 countries to generate an estimated $1.5 billion in annual revenue, which would immediately make it the largest of four public companies based in Colorado Springs. (The Gazette)
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China’s military is planning to counter surveillance by the Pentagon’s long-range Global Hawk drone, which currently is deployed on Guam and flying reconnaissance missions aimed at China. According to a recent technical journal, China’s military now has countermeasures for thwarting Global Hawk flights, saying the stealth drone is flown near China’s southeast coast "continually" and thus "countermeasures against Global Hawk are considered." (Washington Times)
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A secret, new surveillance drone has been developed by defense giant Northrop Grumman. The drone, which is designed to conduct surveillance and reconnaissance missions, could enter operational service in the U.S. Air Force by 2015, according to news reports. (CBS News)
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The Turkish government plans to invest billions in innovative technologies and projects to bolster the capabilities and independence of local industry. Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz said in November that his government would promote plans to establish a "qualified" defense industry site in Kazan, near Ankara, to house hundreds of local and foreign defense and aviation companies. (Defense News)
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Even as the U.S. Navy celebrated the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet’s 35th anniversary with the fleet at a ceremony at Naval Air Station Patuxent River this week, public debate remains around the platform’s future. (Australian Aviation)
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Retired Army Col. Paul Plemmons, corporate vice president of Electronic Warfare and Range Instrumentation (EWR) at Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), was inducted into the United States Army Ordnance Corps Hall of Fame on November 7, 2013. (PR Web)
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A new electronic jamming system for stand-alone use or integration into other electronic warfare systems has been introduced by Britain-headquartered Selex ES. The system is called Communications Denial Sub-System, or CoDeSS, which uses spot jamming, barrage jamming and sweep jamming together with other tactics tailored to threat types within the HF and UHF communication bands. (UPI)
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Saab Grintek Defence is manufacturing the core components for the BOZ-101 EC podded self-protection system for the German Air Force’s Tornado jets and is also working on a variety of other self-protection systems for various international customers. (Defence Web)
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Elbit Systems, Israel’s fastest growing defense firm, has established an intelligence division tasked with vectoring electro-optics, information technology (IT), cyber and other relevant product lines to the benefit of the wider corporate portfolio. (Defense News)
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