
AOC COURSES ARE NEAR YOU! Take Advantage of Convenient Fall Education Options
Get on track for fall education with convenient courses form the AOC, many located in the D.C. area or with AOC Conferences.
November 6-9: System Architecture and Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE)
Alexandria, VA
Course Details
November 26: Survey of EM Battle Management Applications Course
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Course Details
December 4-7: Essentials of 21st Century Electronic Warfare Course
Alexandria, VA
Course Details

GET THE FMS KNOWLEDGE YOU NEED: Worldwide Emerging Technologies Utilizing Foreign Military Sales, November 14-15 in Alexandria, VA
Take advantage of this strategic event in the D.C. area and gain valuable insights into the technologies emerging on the worldwide stage and how best to position your business to take advantage of opportunities available through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) process.
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EDUCATING THE SPECTRUM WARRIOR: Make Plan Now to Attend the Harnessing STEM & Spectrum Management Conference this November in Florida!
Workforce projections for 2014 by the U.S. Department of Labor show that 15 of the 20 fastest growing occupations require significant science or mathematics training to successfully compete for a job, while surveys find that fewer students are choosing to pursue advanced study in these areas.
This sobering statistic is forcing us to realize that we are going to have to do something to recruit and retain new spectrum warriors with these specialized skill sets.
STEM education is essential for the U.S. to remain the economic and technological leader of the 21st century global marketplace. The DoD has a long history of supporting STEM initiatives at local, regional and national levels, but we need your expertise to educate and participate in discussions addressing these relevant concerns.
Join us as we exchange information on the technical and operational aspects EW/EMSO, and ensure your future labor force is prepared via Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. We aim to get government and military operations in Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) involved and talking with local and national businesses with a common passion for STEM programs and with an emphasis in supporting the warfighter.
NEXT MONTH IN KUALA LUMPUR: The Future of Electronic Warfare in the ASEAN and Pacific Regions
Join the AOC and representatives from the ASEAN and Pacific regions, responsible for operations, specification and procurement, to discuss the latest developments in EW and related EM capabilities such as ISTAR, communications and SIGINT across all warfighting domains.
An exciting line-up of international experts will be sharing their knowledge and experience ...
Welcome Address
Deputy Defense Minister Y.B. Datuk Dr. Abd. Latiff Ahmad
Keynote Address
Deputy Chief Royal Malaysian Air Force Lt. Gen. Datuk Roslan Saad
Opening Address
Air Chief Marshal Sir Glenn Torpy GCB CBE DSO RAF (Ret.)
Congested Contested EM Spectrum & EW
Wing Commander John Clifford OBE (Ret.), UK
Emerging Threat Considerations
Walter Wolf, BAE Systems, USA
Air Platform Protection & Survivability
Mr. Anton Kieck, SAAB, South Africa
Operational Test & Evaluation of Counter RF-IED Jammers
Dr. Tom Millhouse, Nova Defence, RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia
Optimization & Evaluation of Receiver Search Strategies for Electronic Support
Flight Lt. Charles Winsor, RAAF
Surveillance Network Integrated Fitted for Radio (SNIFR) Development
Squadron Leader Fernando Gonzalez, RAAF
Capt. Michael Williams, USMC, USA
Role of Modeling & Simulation
Col. Chris Glaze USAF (Ret.), Third Wave Strategies, USA
Advances in Digital Receiver for Radar EW
Mr. Jaques Saget, Thales, France
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DISCUSS VITAL UNMANNED SYSTEMS: 2012 UAS/RPA Payloads/Requirements/ Operations Conference, December 4-6 at Nellis AFB!
This conference will explore current payloads and operations in ongoing day-to-day operations. We will discuss and identify short-term and long-term program requirements, identify capability gaps and help develop courses of action to address them.
Today, it is more important than ever to bring military, government, industry, academia and research labs together to ensure our military men and women have the tools and knowledge needed to be successful in tomorrow's battlespace. Both state-supported and non-state-supported adversaries' acquisition timeline is many times inside of the U.S. and our Allies timeline due to them using OTS equipment and utilizing the fast pace of technologies to improvise these products for use in the battlespace.
It is imperative for us to continue to identify current and future capabilities and gaps to develop courses of action utilizing each organizations' knowledge, technology, R&D and manpower.
See the Current Agenda
SHAPE THE BATTLEFIELD: Attend the AOC Land EW Conference, December 11-13 in Quantico, VA
Within many military circles, it is becoming more and more evident that the electromagnetic spectrum and its manipulation, with a variety of tool sets, will dictate the actions of commanders in the 21st century. Whether monitoring a ground radar or leading from an operations center, the increased attention revolving around cyberspace and activities associated with the information environment are warranted given their ability to manipulate a commander’s perception of the battlefield. From an EMS perspective, the challenge is twofold: identifying the right technologies and then institutionalizing their use. Effective manipulation of the EMS requires that members clearly understand their roles and responsibilities so as to ensure spectrum activities support commander’s intent.
The AOC Land EW Conference provides focus on technological and organizational efforts, from land component perspective toward meeting these ends. Sessions and demonstrations provide evidence of how the U.S. and Allied services are implementing technology and changing organizational paradigms in order to manipulate the EMS environment.
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WHAT IS A CROW? Watch the Convention Opening Video Online!
And don't forget to visit the Convention COI at crows.org to continue the discussion and to access presentations (full Conference registrants). Look for Convention session video coming soon to the AOC Live Learning Center.
A division chief from the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command's communications-electronics center was honored by the Association of Old Crows for his contributions to the electronic-warfare community at a Sept. 24 ceremony in Phoenix. (DVIDS)
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Information Dominance Warriors of Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Whidbey Island, a component of Commander, Task Force (CTF) 1030 was awarded the 2012 Association of Old Crows (AOC) Outstanding Navy Unit Award for Shore Installations. This marks the second consecutive year that CTF 1030 has won the award that represents excellence in Electronic Warfare (EW) and Information Operations (IO). (The Northwest Navigator)
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One of the first tasks the Navy expects to assign its forthcoming arsenal of laser guns: shooting down drones that menace its ships. The Navy is confident that laser cannons will move out of science fiction and onto the decks of its surface ships by the end of the decade. (Wired)
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The Air Force says it's committed to operationalizing its approach to cyberspace and exercising control over the new warfighting domain as convincingly as it does in air and space. But the service is doing some serious soul searching as it tries to wrestle its definition of "cyber" into something that's manageable and understandable. (Federal News Radio)
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Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta warned Thursday that the United States was facing the possibility of a "cyber-Pearl Harbor" and was increasingly vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who could dismantle the nation's power grid, transportation system, financial networks and government. (The New York Times)
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The United States has boosted into orbit new spy satellites that mark "the most significant change to our overhead architecture in at least three decades," said the head of military intelligence, Mike Vickers. (AOL Defense)
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The U.S. has total dominance of the skies above planet Earth, a defense budget five times as large as its nearest competitor, and a fleet of robotic aircraft and advanced manned planes. The newest leader of the Pentagon's blue-sky researchers says the U.S. is more vulnerable than it thinks in the skies. Maintaining America's air supremacy may be about to become a top priority for the agency that helped give the world the Predator drone. (Wired)
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A detachment of more than 220 Marines and six EA-6B Prowlers departed the humid skies of eastern North Carolina Sept. 27, heading north for the colder, thinner air of Alaska for a few weeks of aerial combat training at Eielson Air Force Base. (Dvids)
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Microelectronics and embedded computing research seems to be coming back into style, based on at least three military research projects that have come to light over the past month, as John Keller reports this week in the Mil & Aero Video Blog. (Military & Aerospace Electronics)
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Systematic and Lockheed Martin Corporation are in the process of finalizing terms that will allow them to work together on the establishment of an Electronic Warfare Support System (EWSS) to support the Danish Maritime Helicopter Program (MHP). Contingent on selection of the US Navy's MH-60R being offered by industry Team SEAHAWK, this project would commence after contract award. (defpro)
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