What's New
USCYBERCOM, see what's coming! Cyber & EW – what's the future? Social media, how is it used and exploited, by whom? How's it getting into Iran? Cyberwar! What's coming? Israeli IO, their National Director says what works! Cyberintelligence, see who's the best and why. Last chance to save $45, discount ends May 3rd. Uniformed military and students attend for free, but must still register.
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It's Not Too Late to Attend the 3rd Annual EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference, May 11-13
If you're developing EW-IO-Cyber tools for the warfighter this is the one conference you need to attend this year. Hear from Keynote Speaker, Vice Admiral Bernard J. McCullough, III, Commander, US Fleet Cyber Command/Commander, US 10th Fleet. Register now! The Hilton Garden Inn is sold out, but if you need a room for the conference please send an e-mail with your arrival and departure dates to kellylee@crows.org. Please place "Bloomington Hotel Reservations" in the subject line.
More information
Don't miss this Conference in Berlin, Germany. Topics will include: Operational experience; EW & C-IED in the land battle; land, air and maritime EW; NATO and international EW; developments in EW technology, EW industry perspective; and future EW & EM operational environment.
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May 25-27: Register for the 37th Annual EW Symposium at NAS Whidbey Island |
Registration is now open for the 37th Annual EW Symposium, May 25-27 at NAS Whidbey Island. This year's theme is "Electronic Attack for Spectrum Superiority in Support of Fleet and Combatant Commanders." AOC Scholarship Banquet guest speaker is CAPT Mark Darrah (PMA-265). The symposium is classified SECRET/NOFORN.
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Industry News
The 513th Electronic Warfare Squadron: Making the F-35 'Pure Lethality' |
Lt. Col. Tim Welde took the helm of the 513th Electronic Warfare Squadron last week at an activation ceremony in the Air Armament Museum. His unit, which presently numbers 32 but is expected to grow to 130 within a few years, will provide support to the Air Force, Marines and Navy. (The Destin Log)
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Boeing, Lockheed Wait as India Delays Fighter Deal |
India will miss a deadline this week to complete the world's biggest fighter-jet purchase in 15 years, risking a possible $1 billion price increase as Boeing Co. and five rival manufacturers resubmit bids. (Bloomberg/Businessweek)
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Russia Mulls Joint Missile Defense with NATO |
During their recent meeting in Tallinn, NATO foreign ministers agreed to launch what they call a "transparent dialogue" with Russia on a common European missile shield. (The Voice of Russia)
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A-Darter for Gripen – and Hawk |
The South African Air Force is to fit the fifth-generation A-Darter short-range imaging infrared air-to-air missile currently under development at Denel Dynamics to its fleet of 24 workhorse BAE Systems Hawk Mk120 lead-in fighter trainers in addition to integrating it on to the 26 more sophisticated Saab Gripen C and D advanced lightweight fighter. (DefenceWeb)
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Cyber Battlefields |
The email addressed to an Army officer at the ministry of defense was mundane – a list of weapons India wanted to buy. The missive, as it was realized later, was a brilliant fake. (The Week)
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AOC News
AOC Convention Space Almost Sold Out!
 Exhibit space for this year's AOC Convention in Atlanta, GA, is more than 80 percent sold and moving quickly. Don't miss this key opportunity to display your products and services to the biggest EW audience of the year. Contact Stew Taylor, taylor@crows.org to secure your space today!
Dixie Crow Chapter Contributes to Scholarships, Museum of Avaiation |
 The Dixie Crow Chapter recently completed their 35th Annual Electronic Warfare Symposium held at the Robins Air Force Base Museum of Aviation, enabling thousands of dollars in donations.
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AOC Convention: Call for Papers Submission Deadline is May 31 |
The AOC is soliciting papers for the 47th International Symposium and Convention, October 3-7, 2010, in Atlanta, GA, the theme of which is "Electronic Warfare in a Changing Environment." Papers are due by May 31, 2010.
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Instructor Applications Now Being Accepted |
Your Association of Old Crows treasures its heritage, one with a strong foundation in providing relevant education to members of this community. As "New Crows" join our ranks it's critical that we continue to provide professional education to help them mature and lead us to greater success in this increasingly complex and demanding electromagnetic environment.
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Calendar of Events
May 4-7: Radar and EW Course |
May 11-13: EW Capability Gaps and Enabling Technologies Conference |
May 10-12: AOC/Shephard EW2010 |
May 12-14: InfowarCon 2010 |
May 17-18: OSINT Hacks for Mining the Russian Internet |
May 18-20: Information as Power: "Now Media" and the Struggle for Minds and Wills Course |
May 24-28: Electro-Optics Infrared Primer Course |
June 7-10: AOC Kittyhawk Week |
June 8-10: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
May 24-28: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S) |
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