SAVE THE DATE: 2010 Capitol Hill Awareness Day, April 13-14, Washington, DC
Don't miss your opportunity to visit the nation's capital and meet your congressional representatives. CHAD 2010, formerly known as Capitol Hill Round-up, is a two-day event that includes a Future of EW symposium, a Multi-National Forum (MNF) sponsored by the AOC Capital Chapter, a grassroots training seminar, social networking and meetings with Members of the US House of Representatives and Senate.

The event will be held at the Capitol Hill Club (200 First Street, SE, Washington, DC), which is adjacent to House of Representatives office buildings. Most importantly, CHAD is free for AOC members. Registration will be open in the coming days. AOC international members are invited and welcome to attend all symposium, MNF and training seminar activities, but meetings with congressional representatives are reserved for US citizens only. Also, please note: CHAD 2010 will NOT be held this year in conjunction with the annual Capitol Hill Conference (CHC).

For questions and additional information, please contact Ken Miller, AOC Director of Government and Industry Affairs at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, or call (703) 549-1600. You can also visit the Advocacy page on the new AOC website at