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ISRAEL National Electronic Warfare Research and Simulation Center (NEWRSC)
The NEWRSC was established in 1973, shortly before the Yom-Kippur war, and was
almost immediately tasked with the exploitation of the formidable SA-6 Surface to
Air Missile System and with the development of EW techniques against this relatively
unknown threat. This research, as well as the research of other adversary systems, led in
the following years to the development of unique EW capabilities which contributed to the unprecedented operational successes of the air campaign of the 1982 Lebanon war.

Since that time, the NEWRSC has been involved in almost every aspect of Israeli
Electronic and Information Warfare. It works in close cooperation with all the forces
of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) – Air, Land, Sea and C4I. This cooperation
involves daily interaction with technical, intelligence and operational military
branches. The threat exploitation efforts and EW research are related to a wide
spectrum of applications – SAM, AAM, ASM, ATGM, C4I, and deal with both RF
and EO/IR systems.

The NEWRSC also works closely with the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD) and
specifically the Directorate for Defense Research and Development (DDRD). This
work is aimed at the development and evaluation of new conceptual designs of

Although the NEWRSC is part of RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems LTD it is
designated as a national center of excellence and is committed to objective evaluation
and support of system development efforts for all of the defense industry. Unique
facilities, including HIL simulators, field test equipment and advanced laboratories,
were developed and are used to support many EW projects. The world renowned
achievements of the Israeli EW industry can be credited, to a large extent, to
NEWRSC support.