A New Series of Courses from AOC

For more information on AOC Professional Development courses visit www.crows.org for updates.

Operational EW Course
October 26-29
November 16-19

What Everyone Should Know About Operational EW
EW Operations is the focal point of all EW-related activities, whether it is EW systems development, training, sustainment, maintenance, database management, etc. Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have significantly changed the warfighter’s concept of EW and what it brings to the fight.

This four-day course addresses a broad range of current topics and provides operational context (the "why") for defense professionals who may not be involved in EW operations on a daily basis.

Operational EW Planning Course
November 9-12
December 7-10

What Every EW Pro Should Know Today
This four-day course is for EW professionals who must obtain a solid understanding of the management and application of EW at the command staff and operational planning levels. What happens in an EW Coordination Cell? What are the roles and responsibilities of an EW staff officer serving on a joint command? How is EW managed and utilized within a coalition force? This course provides a contemporary understanding of these topics from an operational perspective.